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Every Wife Is Mistress
Every Wife is a "Mistress" for her Husband.

"Miss" for one hour & "Stress" for the rest life!
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Be Specific
A man got 2 wishes from GOD. He asked for the Best wine and Best Woman.
Next moment, he had the Best Wine and Mother Teresa next to him.
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A Little Boy Was Selling Parachutes.

Little Boy: "Buy This Parachute And Land Safely On The Ground During Emergency"

Customer: "What If This Does Not Open When Needed?"
Little Boy: "You'll Get Your Money Back"
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B-Silent Please
Raju Traveling First Time In Plane Going To Bombay,
While Landing, He Shouted: "Bombay-Bombay"
Air Hostess: "B-Silent Please"
Raju Said: "Ombay -Ombay"
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I Had It All Man

A man is complaining to a friend: "I had it all, money, a
beautiful house, a nice car, a great motorcycle, the love of a
beautiful woman. Then it was all gone!"

"What happened?"asks the friend.

"My wife found out!" replied the man
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When Caught By Cop
A cop pulls a young guy over:

"Hello officer" said the smart aleck kid.

"Young man did you see that stop sign?" asked the cop.

Yup, but I didn't see you!
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Stop Joking

Dad: Son, this time I expect 80 percent marks in your final

Son: No dad, I'll manage 100 percent.

Dad: Don't joke with me.

Son: Who started it, dad?
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Life Starts with Milk Bottle....
Grows with Coke Bottle....
Habituates to Liquor Bottle....
Ends with Saline Bottle..
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Anything For Home
Teacher : whoever answers my next question, can go

One boy throws his bag out the window

Teacher : who just threw that?!

Boy : Me! I'm going home now
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Brave Man
One day,
I Kicked lion's face
I puld tigers tail
I broke cheetas leg
I threw elephants

Than What Happen

then TOY SHOP OWNER kickd me out.

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Breaking News
In a car race, NANO beats FERRARI. After some tests, engineers understood that while Schumacher was driving Ferrari, Nano was being driven by RAJNIKANTH!
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Tribute To Boozer
After decades, BEER Will be CHEAPER than PETROL !!

Than , there will be new slogan

"Just Drink - Dont Drive"

:) Cheers!
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American's Japanese, Britishers and Indian's
Americans fart and say " Excuse me!"..
Britishers Fart and say "Pardon me!"..
Japanese Fart and say "Forgive me!"..


Indians Fart and say "Who Has Done This"
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He Never Get Tired
Owner to servant: You told me that you never get tired of work. But I have caught you sleeping third time in a day.
Servant: That's the reason why I don't get tired sir.
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Great Husband
Wife:If I am lost somewhere, what will you do?

Husband: I'll give ad in newspaper: Be happy, where ever you are.
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Anniversary In African Jungle

Wife: where'll you take me on our 10th anniversary?

Husband: We'll go to African jungle safari.

Wife: Nice. And on our 25th anniversary?

Husband: I'll bring you back.
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Nobody Knows
I Love walking in the rain because nobody knows I'm crying
(uhh OLD Story)

New Version

I Love walking in the FOG because no one can SEE I'm SMOKING
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Bad Habit Of Scrap Dealer
Wife: You say I look old but one of your friends still praises me?

Husband: Must be Peter?

Wife: Yes but how do you know?
Husband: He is a scrap dealer
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Trustworthiness rule

A boss was telling an applicant the two main rules of the company

He said, "Our 2nd main rule is cleanliness.
Did you wipe your feet on the mat before coming in?"

The applicant replied, "Yes sir! I did."

Then the boss said,
"Our 1st main rule is trustworthiness.
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Daddy Have You Ever Been To Egypt

Son : Daddy, have you ever been to Egypt?
Father : No. Why do you ask that?
Son : Well, where did you get mummy then?

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