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A commonly known, but not to be neglected India fact is that the number and concept of zero was invented and documented first by Indians.


There are 1,652 dialects and languages spoken in India. It is not at all unusual for an Indian to speak at least two and often more languages well.


Until 1986, the only place where diamonds had been officially found was in India.


Chaturanga—Sanskrit, meaning “four members of an army” was invented in India. Now known all over the world, chess had its beginnings in India.


The world’s largest road network is in India—over 1.9 million miles of roads cover the country.


Having been visited by Buddha in 500 B.C. Varanasi is the oldest continuously habituated city in the world.


India has the world’s second largest train network, and it is the largest civilian employer.


The first university is said to have been started in Takshila in 700 B.C. Thousands of students from all over the world studied a variety of subjects.


India has no National Language. Hindi is an official language used in many regions, English is also commonly used in many regions. There are many popular regional languages like Tamil, Malayalam, Telugu, Kannada and Marathi spoken and officially used in their respective regions.


During a Mars winter, almost 20% of the air freezes.


Galileo Galilee was the first person to observe Mars through a telescope, in 1609.


Egyptians called Mars the “the backward traveler” because Mars appeared to move backwards through the zodiac every 25.7 months.


The month of March is named after Mars.


The Egyptians gave Mars its first recorded name: Har dècher (“The red one”). The Babylonians called it Nergal (“Star of death”). The Greeks and Romans named the planet after their respective gods of war, Ares and Mars. The Hebrews called it Ma’adim, or “One who blushes.” Many ancient people believed the reddish color came from actual blood on the planet.


33% of Americans believe in astrology.


Hundreds of millions of dollars are spent on astrology every year in the United States alone.


Astrologers claim that the Moon has the same effect upon humans, as it does upon the ocean.


Americas’ per capita food waste has increased by 50 percent since 1974.


Thousands of years ago, the Egyptians created first dream dictionary in 4000 B.C.E


There are over 1,000 different varieties of mangos.

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