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Whales make 'tick-tock' noises while hunting together in deep oceans at night


Zebras are brave animals that care deeply about their group members. When a group member is wounded by a predator attack, other zebras will come to its defence, circling the injured individual and attempting to drive the predator(s) away.


Zebras communicate with each other through various vocal expressions including sniffing and balking, but also through the position of their ears and tail. They can turn their ears in almost any direction and harness this ability to communicate their mood, for example pulled backwards when angry, or standing erect when calm and friendly.


Zebra species are members of the genus Equus.


Zebra can run up to 65km/h. They combine this fast running with excellent stamina and zig-zagging motions to try and evade predators that chase them


Zebras are highly social, and will only go to sleep if they are close to neighbours so that they can be warned if a predator approaches. They also prefer to graze together and will groom each other.


Just like human fingerprints, a zebra's stripe pattern is unique to the individual.


Some women can have a genetic mutation which causes them to see millions of more colors.


Russia & America are less than 4 km apart at the nearest point.


If you have $10 in your pocket and no debts,you are wealthier than 25% of Americans.


Just 2.5 million people lived in the U.S.A. in 1776. Today it's 314 million.


Women are better multitaskers than men.


Women were first allowed to participate at the Olympic Games in 1900.


The most children born to one woman is 69.


Some women can have a genetic mutation which causes them to see millions of more colors.


Women who snore during pregnancy are more likely to have smaller babies, according to a study.


Israel is the only country in the world
to draft women into Military service.


Men lie 6 times a day, twice as often as women.


Men were the first to wear high heels around the 1600s. Women began wearing them to look more masculine.


George Washington grew Marijuana in his farm.

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