Need help choosing a health club that will best suit your needs?
The health clubs in the Global Health and Fitness (GHF) directory offer outstanding services: a large selection of high-quality equipment, health and fitness knowledge, and other attractive amenities such as steam room/sauna, Jacuzzi, massage therapy,
and more. However, health clubs vary greatly, not only in services and equipment available but also in pricing structure.
Many join a health club with great intentions and then windup unhappy and dissatisfied. Starting a health and fitness program is hard enough--don't make it more difficult by joining a health club that doesn't meet your needs.
Before simply joining the first health club on the GHF directory, do a little research. First, click on your home state (or state you are traveling to). Next, do a search by city; this will bring up an alphabetical listing of all the health clubs in your area. Click on each health club listing--this will take you directly to their web page where can learn more about their services, equipment, rates, hours, etc. Once you've narrowed down the list by location, price range and services, you should talk with the health club's sales staff and plan a visit to the club.
When shopping for health clubs consider the following:
For your fitness program to be a success, exercising has to be convenient or it won't become a realistic lifestyle change. The closer and easier it is to get to (and park your car), the better. Of course, you don't want to join a health club that doesn't suit
you just because it's close to your home or office, but if you're joining a health club that isn't convenient to get to, you're a lot more likely to find an excuse to stop going.