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How to Prevent Blisters, Calluses, and Corns
The best way to deal with blisters, calluses, and corns is to avoid getting them altogether. So how do you do that? To avoid getting blisters and c...

Nine Child-Rearing Tips
Raising kids is one of the toughest and most fulfilling jobs in the world — and the one for which you might feel the least prepared. Step...

Here's everything you need to know about the festival of lights, Diwali
It's festivals galore in the country and we can't get enough of the festivities. After the celebrations of Navratri and Dussehra, the preparations of ...

The Truth About
"What you have to understand is that my mother never raised her voice and when I confronted her about her treatment of me—her put-downs and cri...

Twins: Individual Identities and Common Bonds
Most twins have two identities: the one they share with their twin brother or sister as part of a pair, and the one that they enjoy all on their own. ...

New Born Baby Feeding and Signs of hungry
Breastfeeding your newborn has many advantages. Perhaps most important, breast milk is the perfect food for a human baby's digestive system. Breast mi...

Stubborn Child ?
When one becomes a parent besides happiness there are many challenges also. It is like signing a contract that allows for some 21 years of parenting i...

Do not Stop your Kids to explore the experiments in Kitchen
Most of the parents tell their children to stay out of the kitchen until it is time to eat. But I was surprised when I knew that kitchen can also be a...

Why does Career hold a distinction in your life?
Life is not based on a single aspect such as Gadgets or Fame or Wealth or Beauty or Status. Instead, Life is a holistic phenomenon in which all e...

The Role of the Parent in Early Intervention
If your child has been referred for an evaluation for early intervention (EI) services, it’s easy to feel a little overwhelmed. There’s a good cha...

Things to remember while bathing your baby :
• Until his umbilical cord heals, you'll want to give your baby sponge baths only. • One thing to keep in mind before you begin is that you sho...

Let Your Kids Sleep During Studies For Faster Relearning
Letting your children take a quick nap during study hours could help them recall faster what they studied and make relearning easy, leading them to...

Intelligence is above Physical strength, but goodness mixed with Intelligence taste awesom...
When Intelligence Meets Goodness is new fiction book by Redish Fernandes will make you rethink that “Honesty is the best policy.” Shravan ...

Dads play a key role in child development
Often depicted as being bumbling goofballs or out-of-touch with their families in pop culture, dads actually play a surprisingly important role in the...

Being harsh on your kids makes them fat
Are you an authoritative parent? A new study has found that harsh parenting may increase a child's risk of obesity and poor physical health in adul...

Consuming rice may put infants at higher urinary arsenic risk
Beware, if you are feeding your infant with rice or rice products! According to a new study, infants who eat rice and rice products are likely to h...

Talking to your kids at dinner time can keep them fit
In a study of 200 families, researchers found that children whose family members shared meals that lasted at least 20 minutes each a minimum of four t...

Factors that lead to separation of parents
Strains from parenthood, stressful conditions, lack of intimacy, insufficient communication, differing personalities and interests, no commitment (in ...

Babies have logical reasoning even before age one: Study
Infants are capable of deductive problem solving as early as 10 months of age, says a new study. "We found that within the first year of life, childre...

Singing calms baby longer than talking
In a new study from the University of Montreal, infants remained calm twice as long when listening to a song, which they didn't even know, as they did...

Ten Ways to Improve Your Child's Behavior
Most of us start out parenting the way we were parented, and expect our children to react as we did. Children with special needs, however, are likely ...

Never Avoid Breastfeeding to your babies. It helps them from air pollution.
Mother's milk may protect their babies from the adverse effects of environmental pollution, suggests a new research. The researchers assessed how e...

Seven tips to keep kids safe from summer heat
The summer season is here, and with it comes the scorching heat, sweat and high humidity levels, leaving you exhausted and de-energised. But for kids,...

Smileys make children eat more healthy food
Labelling healthy foods with smiley faces and offering small prizes for buying nutritious items can make kids purchase more of such foods and eat t...

Teenage fathers more likely to have kids with birth defects
The University of Cambridge study on 24,000 parents and their children found that sperm cells of teenage fathers had 30 per cent higher rates of ...

Shy babies need strong parents bond to avoid potential teen anxiety
Professor Heather Henderson, a co-author of the study said, “We now understand that infants and young children with an inhibited temperament who als...

Punishing kids for lying doesn't work: Study
Parents, take note! If you want your child to tell the truth, it may be best not to threaten to punish them if they lie.

Babies can read emotion cues from eyes at just seven months
Humans are the only primates with large, highly visible sclera - the white part of the eye. The eye plays a significant role in the expressiveness of ...

Toddlers know how not to make adults angry
Children as young as 15 months can detect anger when watching other people's social interactions and then use that emotional information to guide thei...

Bihar has produced a number of poet, writers and scholars, including Tahir Gayavi the grea...
Bihar has produced a number of poet, writers and scholars, including Tahir Gayavi the great islamic scholar Azhar Sabri urdu poet from belwar Gay...

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