Exhalation from three forces (Brahma, Vishnu & Shiva) merged and became the feminine, or the Shakti/Devi. Being feminine is not of the body, it is much more than that. This is a culture that has greatly celebrated the feminine. At the same time, this is also a culture which has seen a terrible exploitation of the feminine. The basis of this culture is in celebration of the feminine, but slowly the culture evolved into an exploitation of the feminine. Shakti is a universal energy force. Shakti is the primordial cosmic energy, and represents the dynamic forces that are thought to move through the universe.
The original word to describe the feminine was “re.” The word “re” refers to the Mother Goddess of the existence and is the basis of the more recent word “stree.” “Stree” literally means a woman. The word “re” means movement, possibility, or energy. And the word “Devi” comes from the word “Dev.” “Dev” means "the space." So Devi is not a particle – she is the space which holds the three fundamental forces in the existence. It is this that we refer to as “De-vi.”
Devi's character has two opposing sides represented by various separate female deities: as Uma, the benevolent, and as Durga, the terrible. It is as the latter, more fierce personification that she is most frequently worshipped. Her dark side can also take the form of the fearsome black goddess Kali. The deity has a myriad of many other names and may, for example, also be referred to as Vindhyavasini, Kanya (the Virgin), Mahamaya (the Illusion), and Bhutanayaki, the queen of the Bhuta, those ghosts and goblins who haunt graveyards, make the dead live again, and trick the living so that they might feast on their flesh.
Remember that Shakti is a universal energy force. And as such, she can be called upon for numerous purposes, such as...
-To fight your own personal demons or when seeking protection, call upon Durga.
-For fertility or if you identify with the mother goddess archetype, turn to Parvati.
-To destroy evil and restore balance, look to Kali.
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