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Easy & Simple Home Remedies for natural Black Hair

Thick black hair is a sign of beauty and youth. With the age of advanced hair-treatments a ‘thing’ of today, almost no-one has ‘virginal’ black-hair anymore. However, if you jog-down the memory-lane, you would realize that some very old people had very black head of hair. The secret of getting natural black hair is held in nature and natural home-based products without any side effects. Here, I have jotted-down some of those workable natural solutions that would help you in retaining the blackness of your hair. We can get naturally thick hair with home ingredients present in our kitchen.

Here are a few natural ways to get better results.

Mulethi and Ghee

This is more like a natural ‘deep-conditioning’ treatment that would work wonders for dry and frizzy hair. Mulethi makes the hair black, thick, shiny and glowing. To make the hair-mask you will need:

1kg Ghee (preferably home-made)

1litre Amla juice/extract

200gm of Mulethi

Mix all the ingredients together and allow to heat in low flame. After the water-content of the mixture has evaporated completely, pour the remaining concoction in a clean-glass container and allow to cool. Apply this ‘color-rejuvenating’ hair mask just before you shower and you will be surprised with the black color appearing back again in your hair. Its a wonderful solution to make your hair jet black instead of the hair dyes available in the market



We have heard about the wonders of Amla time and again and this little fruit manages to surprise us every single time with its benefits. A common commodity in an Indian house-hold, Amla has great benefits of retaining the ‘blackness’ of your hair. You will need:

1/2 liter clean water

2 tbs of pure Amla powder

1-2 lemon juice/extract

All you need to do is, blend-well the above mentioned ingredients and store it in a clean container. This natural shampoo is a wonderful natural solution which can be used to wash your hair in order to maintain those long, black locks of hair.

Mango Stones

This sounds new (at least to me). Mainly, the oil of Mango stones is known to magically turn grey-white hair black again . Better still, if you start utilizing Mango stone oil before you climb into the age-ladder, you might never see yourself graying ever! Now that sounds good, if you wish to be known as a ‘yummy-mummy’ or ‘yummy-granny’!


Summertime in India is all about Mangoes. Mango drinks, Mango milkshakes, Mango pickles and Mango chutneys and everything just goes Mango! Now, for your hair, you can grab a few raw Mangos and work-out the age-defying magic to get black hair.. For this Hair-pack, you will need:

1-2 raw Mangos

A bunch of fresh Mango leaves

Hair oil

Mix all the ingredients together and mash them into a fine pulp to form a paste by slowly adding your favorite hair oil. Now place this paste in a container under the sun for a couple of hours. Apply this as a hair pack just before you shower to create thick and black hair.

Coconut Oil with Lemons

This is one of the most ancient and trusted natural home remedies to treat the problem of gray hair and grow a nice head of thick, black hair. The process is a simple one:

1/2 cup pure coconut oil

1/2 Lemon juice/extract

Heat the coconut oil over low flame till it is brimming and hot. Now squeeze in the Lemon in to it and blend well. That is about it. You have your solution ready and you can apply it once it cools down. Massage your hair and scalp luxuriously with this solution all the way from roots to tip, when it is still lukewarm. This way the solution will seep-in to your pores and hair-follicles, giving you nourishment in the best possible manner treating your gray hair naturally. If followed on a regular basis, you will soon be growing back your black hair in no time.

Onion Hair Pack

This is one of the most simple and easy-breezy method you can whip-up in almost no time. While you are in the kitchen and preparing a gravy-base Indian style, be sure to stock-away a small jar of fresh Onion paste to stay away from gray hair.. When you are ready, apply the Onion paste luxuriously all over your hair and head and cover it with a shower-cap.

Leave the pack on for about 30 minutes (if you can stand the odor of Onions) and wash normally. Follow this regime at least thrice a week for best results. You will be surprised with the results, as your hair will soon restore the dark-coloration it once had. Visible difference in your hair can be seen in a month.

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