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At Italian weddings, it is not unusual for both the bride and groom to break a glass. The number of shards will be equal to the number of happy years the couple will have.


The Oneida colony established in New York in 1848 advocated 'complex or group' marriage in which every woman was married to every man. They also practiced 'scientific breeding' where parents where matched by a committee according to physical and mental health.e


The one designed the official uniform of Hitler Youth and Nazi Party was Hugo Boss.


Bread is one of the most popular foods in Germany. You can find more than 30 different kinds of bread in the country. They maintain separate museum for bread.


Muller is considered as the most popular surname in Germany. You can find many people having this surname.


One of the most famous women in Germany is Chancellor Angela Merkel. This woman has a Barbie doll made based on her name and appearance.


The first consumer of beer of course is the Irish people. The German people are located in the second place of the largest beer consumer in the world. In this country, beer is considered as the official drink.


The women in Egypt will love to wear dress, while the men will wear skirt.


Mummy can be a unique thing to have. When people liked to come to Egypt in 1600, they would take a mummy home and displayed it on the house.


The first pyramid in Egypt is The Step Pyramid of Djoser. It was built in 2600 BC. The pyramid was equipped with 15 doors and the height of 34 feet.


Playing an instrument can raise your IQ up to five points!


Doctors have prescribed music to treat Parkinson's disease and strokes.


Europe has "Silent Discos." You listen to music on your headphones


Your heartbeat changes with the music you listen to!


Each hair follicle contains enough genetic material to clone a human being?


Red hair is the most rare hair colour with the highest concentration being in Scotland (13%), followed by Ireland (10%)?


We naturally lose between 50 and 100 hairs a day?


Hair is made from the same material that makes up fingernails, birds feathers and reptilian scales? It's called keratin.


The time the tip of your hair reaches your shoulders, it's been growing for three or more years? Hair that is level to your waist is at least five years old at the tips.


Each of us has 100,000 to 150,000 hair follicles on our heads.

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