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The first established capital of ancient Sri Lanka was Anuradhapura and the era was known as Anuradhapura Kingdom.


Sri Lanka was the first country in the world to democratically elect a woman as the head of state.


Kandy's Temple of the Tooth (where the relic of the tooth of Buddha is housed), is the most sacred Buddhist site in the world.


Sri Lanka's national flag is said to be one of the oldest flags in the world.


Sri Lanka is known as both the 'pearl of the Indian Ocean' and the 'teardrop of India' due to its shape.


New York has the most people named Yashoda per capita.


Modak is believed to be a favourite of Lord Ganesha and is especially prepared during the festival. Literally, it refers to something that brings joy


Though many believe Ganesha to be a bachelor, there are numerous instances where Ganesha is represented with two wives-Ridhi and Sidhi. Both of them were created by Brahma to placate Ganesha who was distraught at not having any wife when several Gods and deities had more than one.


A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada was founder of the ISKCON movement.


Mathura has around 400 temples dedicated to Nandgopal.


The term Krishna in Sanskrit means 'black'.


Although Krishna's pairing with Radha is world famous, there is no mention of Radha in ancient scriptures.


Lord Krishna had 80 sons


Krishna paid his Guru dakshina by bringing back the dead son of his Guru.


Beer fights with cancer.


Beer prevents heart attacks.


Having beer makes your bones stronger.


Drinking beer makes you live longer.


To check freshness of eggs, put in a bowl of water if they sink, they're fresh. If they float and stand on one end, they're not.


18k gold has 18 parts gold and 6 parts of one or more additional metals, making it 75 percent gold.

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