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A girl can break any relationship

The best relation ever is between TWO EYES
They blink together
move together
cry together
see together and
sleep together
Still they never see each others
But when they saw a girl
1 will blink and another will not
Moral of the story :
A girl can break any kind of relationship.

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Smart Idea
Doctor: U look exactly like my third wife..!

Lady: How many wivez do u have???

Doc: Two !

Moral: Express smart ideas
"Smarty .
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What Women want?

The w0rld?s thinnest b00k is titled by,
What W0men Want?
It has 0nly 0ne w0rd written in it,

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2 FrIeNds oN tHeIr wAy

2 FrIeNds oN tHeIr wAy To A fASt Food FoR diNnEr
1st oRdErS:Double ChEeSe wItH eXtRa cHeEsE aNd eXtRa mAy0s
1St:DiEt cOkE I aM oN diEt!
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Mobile with free SMS
How Can A Father

Make His Daughter

Walk On The Street

Looking Down The Earth??

Just Gift Her A Mobile With Free Sms
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inside or outside

Mr.inside went 2 c Mr.outside. Inside standing outside called Outside outside but Outside standing inside called Inside inside when Inside came inside Outside went outside 2 c Inside then Outside called Inside outside but Inside from inside called Outside inside . . Now where is your Brain . inside or outside?
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I Think Uve Had

Bartender: I Think U've Had Enuf Sir !
Drunk: I Just Lost My Wife, Buddy !
Bartender: Well, It Must Be Hard Losing A Wife
Drunk: It Was Almost Impossible
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A man traveling at 130

A man traveling at 130 mph on th highway ws stopped by highway police.
Man:Sorry,officer was I driving too fast?
Officer: No,sir.U were flying too slow.
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Waiter, Waiter

Customer Shouted:

Waiter, Waiter !
There's A Dead Fly In My Soup

Waiter Replied:

Oh No!
Who's Going To Look After His Family
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one fine morning in the middle
One fine morning in the middle of the night,
two dead boys woke up to fight,

Back to back they faced each other,
Took out their swords & shot each other,

One deaf policeman heard the noise &
Killed the 2 dead boys

Beleive this lie, it's really true,
Ask the blind beggar, he saw it too.

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StuDenTs Vs TeAcHeRz
WheN We R iN CLass, We R StuDenTs ,
WheN They R iN CLass, They R 'ScHoLaRs'

WheN We CoRecT Our WriTinG, iTs OveRwriTTinG, WheN They CoRecT TheiR, iTs CoRRecTioN

WheN We CoPy FroM OtheRz, We R CheaTeRs , WheN They CoPy, They R 'QuoTes'

WheN We JoKe iN CLass, We R 'JoKeRs', WheN They JoKe, They R 'WiTTy'

WheN We Don'T Do Our WorK On TiMe, We R 'SLuGGisH,'
WheN They Don'T Do, They R 'BuSy'
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An Apple On NEWTON

The Most Unfulfilled Desire Of All Science Students Is

A Bomb Should Have Fallen

Instead Of

An Apple On NEWTON .
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I do not want to marry

Man 1:- I do not want to marry becoz I am afraid of ALL women..

Man 2:- Get married soon, then u will be afraid of only ONE woman &
start loving other women.

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A new vaccum salesman

A new vaccum salesman knockd on da door. A tall lady answerd it.

B4 she cud speak, d salesman barged into da living room n emptied a bag of cow shit on2 da carpet..

Salesman: Madam, if i cudnt clean this up with my new powerful vaccum cleaner, i'll EAT all this Shit !

Lady:Do u need chilli sauce or ketchup wid dat?
Salesman: Y madam?

Lady: Cuz therez no electricty in da house.

MORAL: Gather ALL resources b4 working on any project
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If we get married
Girl:If v gt married stop smokng.
Girl:Drinkng 2.
Girl:N goin to d nite club 2.
Girl:-Wht else cn u leav??
Boy:-D idea of marryng u!!
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Current Generation
Old concept: Do or die
New concept: Do before u die
Latest concept: Dont die until u do
Our concept:
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Give Me Sentence
Teacher: Give Me Sentence With a Direct Object.

Student: Every one Thinks You Are The Best Teacher.

Teacher: Than,
But What is The Object?

Student: To Get Good Marks! :-)

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Fairy to a 62 year old couple

Fairy(to a 62 year old couple): I will grant you each a wish.

Wife: I want to travel around the world with my husband.

The fairy waved her magic wand & POOF

Two tickets appeared in her hands.

Husband: I wish to have a wife 30 years younger to me.

The fairy waved her magic wand & POOF

The husband became 92 years old.

Men who are ungrateful idiots should remember that fairies are females.

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Woman sits on left n man on right

Why in wedding ceremony woman sits on left n man on right??
Coz according to balance sheet all assets are on right side and liabilities on left side.!
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3 friends lived in the same flat
3 friends lived in the same flat on the 110th floor. One day the lift wasn't working. So they had to climb the stairs. To pass time & not get bored, they said that, 1st person should tell a war story, 2nd a funny story & 3rd a sad story. 1st person tells a story & they climb to 50th floor. 2nd tells his funny story & they climb to 109th floor. Now the 3rd has to say a very sad story. He says, I've left the door keys in car
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