Coffee maker cleaning tip :
Make a solution of baking soda and water and run it through maker and run one follow up brew of clean water afterwards. Mix a solution of equals parts vinegar and water and brew it through the coffee maker. Follow this with two regular water brews to rinse.
Mineral build up - cut down the build up of minerals in coffee makers by putting a loofah sponge or a marble inside the water tank toattract the minerals away from the coffee maker parts.
Refrigerator top Cleaning :
If the top of the fridge is really dirty, grimy and greasy you may have tomix a mixture of one part ammonia to 10 parts water and let soak for awhile, then clean with above formula.
Regular oven cleaning technique (every month):
2 tsp baking soda
2 Tbs liquid castile soap
10 drops orange, lemon or lime essential oil
1/2 cup of water.
Preheat oven to 250 degrees, turn off and leave oven door open. Combine the baking soda, soap, and essential oil in a clean spray bottle, add the water and shake well. Spray on oven walls and wait 20 minutes. Wipe clean and rinse well.
Microwave Cleaning Tip:
Combine one tsp. of vinegar, ten drops of lemon extract, and four ounces of water into a microwave safe bowl, run microwave on high for four minutes. Wipe out the microwave with a paper towel.
Tips to manage your money better:
1. Create a cash flow budget.
2. Know the sensitivities in your cash flow.
3. Manage the credit you are extending to your customers.
4. Keep your payables up-to-date.
5. Reduce expenses.
6. Use credit effectively.
7. Put your company's surplus cash flow to work.
5 Tips for Reducing Stress:
Keep a positive attitude.
Accept that there are events that you cannot control.
Eat healthy, well-balanced meals.
Learn to manage your time more effectively.
Make time for hobbies and interests.Get enough rest and sleep. Your body needs time to recover from stressful events.
Over Salt: If you accidentally over salt a dish while it's still cooking, drop in a peeled potato.
Green Tea Leaves Boiled in water can be used as a natural sunscreen.
Parsley for Cellulite
Parsley is a detoxifying agent, cleanses the blood, and eliminates toxins from the connective tissue in the area affected by cellulite.
Hair Iron Cleaning
By end of year, you will find a certain amount of leftover hair product on your iron. Wipe it clean using a soft cloth saturated with alcohol to remove the product build-up.
Comb Cleaning
Clean out the lint and dust in brushes by soaking it in some soapy water and then running a toothpick to pick out hairs. Soak combs and rinse with hot water.
To avoid spilling over of milk when boiling it
If you see yourself standing in front of the stove guarding it till the milk boils, here's what you need to do. Before you pour milk into the pot for boiling, rub butter along the top edge and the inside lip of the pot. Due to this, the milk won't overflow when it foams up.
To peel garlic skin easily
Removing garlic skin is tedious and can consume a lot of time, especially when you're in a hurry. Warm garlic cloves in the microwave slightly and you'll see the skin peeling off without difficulty. Also, you can submerge them in water for about 10 minutes before peeling the skin.
Dal cooking speedy tipDid you know, adding a pinch of turmeric when cooking dal can hasten the cooking process?
Leafy Vegetables Preservation
Preserve freshness of leafy vegetables by keeping them in cotton bags instead of polythene bags.
Tamato Preservation
Preserve the tomatoes by placing them in the chiller tray just beneath the deep freeze of the refrigerator.
Preserve Lemon by rubbing a little coconut oil on them and place them in an open tray in the refrigerator. They will keep them fresh for atleast 10 days.
Mushroom Storage
Cover fresh mushrooms with a dampened paper towel and refrigerate. They will keep fresh for several days.
Curry leaves
Store curry leaves in silver foil, it will last as much as one month.
Raddish Storage
For clean storage of radish remove there tops before putting in the refrigerator.