Finish any snack at least an hour before bed to have good sleep
Gentle mind/body exercises are fine just before sleep. Yoga, tai chi, and similar routines are a perfect, sleep-inducing nightcap.
Get out in bright light for 5 to 30 minutes as soon as you rise. Light is the most powerful regulator of the biological clock.
The best sleep temperature for most people is between 68-72 degrees.
Try a Leg Pillow for Back Pain: Back sleepers can tuck a pillow under their knees to help ease pain at night.
Block the Clock : Use black tape for the blue LED digital clocks on the bedroom DVR.
To avoid naps, go for a short walk, drink a glass of ice water, or call a friend.
Detangling techniques: Hair should always be combed when its dry, never comb your wet hair; as hair bonds will break. Always use a wide toothed comb to detangle your hair; the comb should run smoothly and shouldn't be used to open knots, as it will end up breaking and damaging the hair. You can also use your fingers to detangle your hair gently and slowly.
Silky & Soft Hair
Keep it simple and natural: Avoid blow drying, colouring, ironing as far as possible.
Silky & Soft Hair
Oil it up: Coconut is the best oil for hair massage. Hair massage should be done twice a week; never massage your hair with hot oil as it is not healthy for the scalp. Leave your hair oiled for at least 4 hours and not more than 24 hours; otherwise dust will accumulate on the scalp leading to dandruff and dry hair thus hair fall.
First and foremost avoid hair products which contain alcohol as they will dry out the hair even further. Look for shampoos that contain oils like coconut. Moisturising type shampoos tend to coat the hair and trap the moisture inside the hair shaft.
Take 1tb spoon walnut powder, honey, lemon water, mix them and make a scrub. Now apply paste on your face for glowing skin
To remove the redness from pimples, rub ice cubes on the pimple
Oily skin holds perfume scents longer than dry skin.
Apply a concealing makeup with a synthetic makeup brush just under the eyes and along inner bone of eye.
Using mineral makeup helps bring a balance back to your skin.
To alleviate puffy, swollen eyes place bags of frozen peas under the eyes.
Raw potato slices contain potassium to take away dark circles under the eye.
1/3 of you life is spent on your bed. Invest in a good mattress, pillows and cotton or linen sheets -they absorb perspiration better.
If your room is small, use mirrors on the walls. It gives the room an illusion of space (If you are a Feng Shui believer, see the tips on mirrors).