Drink 8-10 glasses of water a day. This will help keep your skin from drying out.
Eat more Vitamin A. Since your skin is basically composed of Retinol, which is Vitamin A, this will help keep your skin healthy and strong. If you feel your skin is weak or not tight enough, that usually suggests a lack of Vitamin A.
Increase your Vitamin C intake. This enhances skin color and suppleness. This will help keep your skin strong by maintaining its basic support structure.
Soak the garlic flakes in a cupful of water for five minutes before peeling.
Soak onions in milk for a little while before frying, they'll turn out crispy and crunchy.
To brown onions faster, add 1/2 teaspoon of salt to the onions while frying.
Add a little milk to onions this will help retain a rich color and prevent them from burning.
To avoid tears and save on facial tissues when peeling, cutting or slicing onions, place a small piece of bread on the tip of the knife blade.
Once an onion has been cut in half, rub the left over side with butter and it will keep fresh longer.
Choose smooth-skinned lemons that are heavy for their size. Store in the refrigerator.
A cut lemon may be kept longer by smearing the cut surface with the white of an egg.
After using a lemon, store the remaining portion in the freezer.
To get more juice out of a lemon, heat it in a microwave before squeezing.
Choosing Beans: Choose slender beans that are crisp, bright-colored, and free of blemishes.
Fragrance is a better indicator of a good tomato than color. Smell the stem end. The stem should retain the garden aroma of the plant itself - if it doesn't, your tomato will lack flavor.
Roasted dry dates in flam are the best tip to get rid of any kind of cough.
Papads - Wrap them in a polythene sheet and store along with rice or 'dal. They will not break or crack.
CAKE- Place 1/2 apple in the cake box to the cut edge of a cake, it will keep the cake from drying out and getting stale.
Preserve eggs - Wash the eggs and put them slowly in a container full of lime water. In this way your eggs will be preserved for a long period and will not get spoiled.
The best remedy for cough.
Take 1 fresh lemon juice and mix 1 pinch of clove powder in it then mix it in 50 grams water. Use it after every 4 hours.