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Tamarind tends to get very thick on grinding. So save some water to add to the last churning, or To run in mixie, after having emptied it by inverting into container. The stuck paste will dilute Easily, when machine is run for a few seconds. Therefore cleaning is simplified and wastage Minimised.
Line the bottom of sink with a thin sheet of sponge or thick towel, while washing delicate and Costly glassware and crockery. This will avoid any drastic mishaps of breakage.
Wherever brinjals are required to be griddled, fried, or burnt, one can butter it up and cook it in the microwave too. Though a little different in texture, it will be equally good in taste.
Thermo Flask
To clean musty insides of a thermosflask kept closed for long, put in some tiny shreds of old newspaper and fill with warm water. Wash with soap water after 8-10 hours. The flask will sparkle as new and have no stale odours left.
To preserve amla murabba better, tilt jar around each day, to keep all amla coated with syrup. This way the upper ones wonot dry out.
Ink Stain
Apply toothpaste on both sides of an ink-stain on cloth. Wash after dry.
To increase the shelf life of dry masalas store them in airtight containers with a cube of asafoetida.
To season a new earthen handi, pour oily water in it (from cooking, like that rinsed from kadai, Etc.) for some time, rinse with plain water, and keep aside. Repeat process for 2-3 days as many Times as possible. Then use to cook, so the raw smell will go, as well as getting sturdiness.
For best effects of your decorative icecreams, sundaes, floats, etc., use plain transparent glasses with interesting shapes, like conical, balloon, stemmed, slender, etc. Opaque glasses will hide the essential decorative feature of these yummies.
To get the best out of saffron: Warm saffron before crushing (you may use microwave: 10 secs on maxi.). Add 1 tsp. warm milk and stir well.
To fry chillies safely, especially when deep frying, lower them in the oil in slotted spoon, and Hold them down, with the back of another flat wide spoon.
Drying Wet Leather Shoes
Do not dry wet leather shoes by putting in a warm place (like, before a fire) since they may dry faster but will become stiff and wear fast. Instead, stuff them with old absorbent cloth (cotton ) and allow to dry .
Add some citric acid to cleaning powder for cleaning brass and copper ware. They will come out much cleaner.
Never scrape burnt leftovers from casseroles. Soak in a weak solution of vinegar, salt and soapy warm water for an hour or so. The stuck particles will come off very easily, without scratching the dish.
If the lemon seems to dry out, or the skin is too stiff, either soak in hot water for 10 minutes or microwave for 30 seconds, before cutting. You will be able to extract maximum juice this way.
If curd has turned sour, tie in cloth for a while (1/2-1 hour) remove in bowl add enough milk to get required consistency, beat well. The sourness will be gone. Use in raithas, rices, etc.
To make soft puris and chappatis, the dough should be mixed properly and rested for atleast 20 minutes. Measure 1 cup atta to 1/2 cup boiling water. In a shallow dish, pour 1/2 cup water and 2-3 drops of oil and salt to taste.. Sprinkle the atta over it, stirring gently with the end of a ladle or serving spoon, till a mass is formed. After a minute, knead with your hand to make a soft ball. Cover for 20 minutes, then use as required.
To avoid handi dishes from burning at the bottom, place a tawa (griddle) on the fire, heat, place Handi on the griddle, put the flame on lowest. This will ensure that the handi does not get any Excess heat, causing the contents to burn. Also choose a handi that has a heavy bottom.
Do not sieve wheat flour with a very fine sieve, as all the bran and subsequently the fibre Will be lost.
Pour milk along inner wall of slightly tilted glass in a thin stream, to avoid its mixing with the lower layers in the glass. Straighten the glass carefully. Also chill glasses well before using.
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