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How to Prevent Blisters, Calluses, and Corns
The best way to deal with blisters, calluses, and corns is to avoid getting them altogether. So how do you do that? To avoid getting blisters and c...

Consuming rice may put infants at higher urinary arsenic risk
Beware, if you are feeding your infant with rice or rice products! According to a new study, infants who eat rice and rice products are likely to h...

Talking to your kids at dinner time can keep them fit
In a study of 200 families, researchers found that children whose family members shared meals that lasted at least 20 minutes each a minimum of four t...

Never Avoid Breastfeeding to your babies. It helps them from air pollution.
Mother's milk may protect their babies from the adverse effects of environmental pollution, suggests a new research. The researchers assessed how e...

Top health care tips for moms!
Being a mother is simply marvellous! No words can explain the many wonderful feelings that come with being a mom. Of the many `best parts` of being a ...

After-School Snacks: Help Your Kids Develop Healthier Eating Habits
A parent's back-to-school frustration isn't limited to school supplies, new clothes or after-school care. There's also the dilemma of lunch fixings an...

Learn how to make your kids eat veggies
If you wish to encourage your kids to eat healthy and want them to eat vegetables without making much fuss, starting early and often could be the k...

Magnet-powered toys dangerous for kids: Study
Does your toddler play with magnet-powered toys? Throw these away as the chances of him/her ingesting tiny magnets is high, resulting in serious injur...

10 amazing health benefits of bananas
From curing dry skin and dull hair to curbing your untimely hunger pangs and burning fat, banana does it all. It is one of the most versatile fruits, ...

Giving your child junk food can lower their IQ, claim scientists
# Researchers find evidence dietary patterns of children aged six months to two years can affect their IQ at eight years old. # Breast milk, che...

Heavy school bags are 'deforming' children as growing numbers suffer irreversible back pro...
Growing numbers of children are developing irreversible back deformities because of the weight of the bags they carry to school, experts warned yest...

Could the sun save your children from depression?
Children with low levels of vitamin D are more likely to suffer from depression, claim scientists. Those with the highest levels of the ‘sunshi...

Lifestyle Choices that Affect Women's Health
Many lifestyle choices can affect a woman’s health. If you do not understand the implications of this it would be a good idea if you read this. A l...

Does Apple A Day Keep Doctor Away?
Why Apples? An Apple a Day that's Deliciously Healthy An Apple a Day, Keeps the Doctor Away.. We have all grown up with this old saying.. P...

TV Watching Is Bad For Babies' Brains
Babies who watch TV are more likely to have delayed cognitive development and language at 14 months, especially if they're watching programs intended ...

Sunshine through Window may cause Wrinkles
It is a well-known fact that exposure of body to direct sunlight leads to wrinkles, but it could be a surprise for those who are confined into car and...

Milk helps reduce Bad Garlic Odour
Garlic breath? Sounds like, one hesitates to go outside and converse with dear fellows. Whether one is on dating or about to get ready for an official...

20 Things You Didn't Know About... Digestion
1 The gastrointestinal tract is a 30-foot tube running from your mouth to your anus. Topologically, your gut has the same shape as those doughnuts you...

5 Quick and Healthy Breakfast Tips
I'm wonder if you understand just how important it is to eat breakfast every morning. You should never start your day without eating breakfast. If you...

Drinking Hot Water After Meals
This is a very good article. Not only about the hot water after your meal, but about heart attacks. The Chinese and Japanese drink hot tea with t...

How To Prevent Allergies
Allergy immunology makes it possible for those types of allergies to be cured because of the way science has dedicated itself to finding a cure for co...

Eye Care
his information is sure to help PC users very much. During a recent visit to an optician, one of my mail friends was told of an exercise for the eyes ...

Water Therapy - Benefits of Water Therapy
Water Therapy has magical effects in curing diseases. Everybody has experienced a positive change in their health after implementing water therapy in ...

Ancient Art of Tai Chi Provides Multiple Health Benefits
Tai chi ranks among the best forms of exercise for maintaining all-around health and wellness. The benefits that it offers go beyond physical fitness,...

Turmeric and Skin Cancer - How Natural Healing Works
Skin cancer is not just caused by us sitting out in the sun too long. There are many factors that can account for the reasons why some of us will even...

Cosmetic Surgery Facts and Fiction
Cosmetic surgery is now widely publicized for being something of a nonchalant luxury for the wealthy. What you don't hear in the gossip magazines is t...

Learn to Relax- Countless Studies Prove that Lower Stress Means Better Health
Medical and psychological research has proven that stress hormones, such as cortisol, are detrimental to overall health. The longer these hormones are...

Are organic foods healthier than conventional foods
"Health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease and infirmity." - World Health Organizat...

How to prevent teenage obesity
How to help your children lose weight There is no magic bullet when it comes to weight loss for kids. The best approach is a general approach which ...

Water Fountains At Schools Help Kids Stay Lean
Installing water fountains at schools, and teaching children about the health benefits of water, could reduce their risk for getting extra unnecessary...

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