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Moth Chaat

By: eKnazar
Region: Indian
Dish:Vegetarian - Breakfast/Tiffins/Snacks


1. 300 gms boiled moths
2. Finely chopped green chilli (according to your taste)
3. 2 tablespoon chopped coriander
4. 150 gms tomatoes chopped in small pieces
5. Lemon juice as per your taste
6. 1 teaspoon chaat masala
7. Red chilli (according to your taste)


Step 1: Place the boiled moths in a pan.

Step 2: Add green chilli, chopped tomatoes, chaat masala and red chilli in it. Mix it well.

Step 3: You just need to sprinkle little bit of lemon juice and chopped coriander and moth chat is ready to serve.


An Indian snack, Moth Chaat is just the perfect food item for a sunny afternoon which will leave you wating for more. Its tangy flavour compels you to have a bite of it. Surprise your guest with this tasty Indian snacks recipe.

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