In a recent study, the Rosetta's target 'Chury' and other comets observed by space missions have shown a common evidence of layered structures and bi-lobed shapes.
Astrophysicist Martin Jutzi with the help of 3D computer simulations was able to reconstruct the formation of these features as a result of gentle collisions and mergers.
In the study, the researchers with their three-dimensional computer models, reconstruct what happened in the early solar system. Comets or their precursors formed in the outer planets region, possibly millions of years before planet formation.
Matin Jutzi said that reconstructing the formation process of comets can provide crucial information about the initial phase of planet formation.
The researchers applied 3D collisional models, constrained by these shape and topographic data to understand the basic accretion mechanism and its implications for internal structure. As their three-dimensional computer simulations indicate, the major structural features observed on cometary nuclei can be explained by the pair-wise low velocity accretion of weak cometesimals.
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