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First selfie stick appeared in 1980s
Do you have any idea when the first selfie stick was invented? Well, it was invented in the 1...

Geologic history of flowing water on Mars 4 billion-years-ago revealed
A new study has provided a deeper insight into the geologic history of flowing water on Mars 4 billion-years-ago. Brown University researche...

Here's how to find aliens
Some scientists think we'll find signs of aliens within our lifetimes. Here's how.

Life on Saturn's moon Titan
A new type of methane-based, oxygen-free life form that can metabolize and reproduce similar to l...

Astronomers discover rare planet: Kepler-432b is a dense, massive celestial body with extr...
wo research groups of Heidelberg astronomers have independently of each other discovered a rare planet. The celestial body, called Kepler-432b, is one...

Scientists teach people to see letters as colours
For the first time, researchers have successfully trained people to "see" letters of the alphabet as colours in a way that simulates how those with sy...

When & Why The World Appears Radiant
I am looking at a grill-work of icicles that hang down in front of my office windows on a cold winter morning. The ice sparkles so brightly that direc...

Tumours grow faster at night
Night is the right time for cancer to grow and spread in the body, according to a new study which suggests that administering certain treatments in...

New machine lets you exercise at your desk
A new machine that can be used under your desk to exercise while you remain seated may help ward off the health risks involved with sitting for lon...

Scientists unveil magnetic cure for bad blood
Scientists said they had invented a device that uses a magnet to extract bacteria, fungi and toxins from blood, potentially throwing a lifeline to pat...

Now, 'electronic nose' to detect diarrhoea
In what could lead to faster diagnosis of diarrhoea and stomach cramps, researchers have developed an ‘electronic nose’ that can sniff the high...

Is Google allowing kids under 13 to log in?
There are reports that Google may be working to legally allow children under 13 to use its services. Currently, Google and Facebook do not off...

Talking robot goes hitchhiking across Canada
A talking, bucket-bodied robot has enthralled Canadians since it departed from Halifax last month on a hitch-hike journey to the Pacific coast...

Robots can now see through solid walls using WiFi
Researchers have created a new technology that allows robots to look through solid walls using WiFi signals. Scientists at the University of ...

Your Facebook photos may hold clues to your personality
Scientists have found that how you manage the photos on your Facebook profile may tell whether you are an extrovert, a neurotic or a conscientious ...

Now, power-free Wi-Fi connectivity near you
How about a world where you do not require power to access your smartphone or tablet or even an eye-wearable device like Google Glass? Led by ...

Soon, spinach to power your car
The next time you buy spinach to give you strength, think about your car. Spinach holds the ability to convert sunlight into a clean, efficient and...

Indian scientists develop seedless mangoes
Indian scientists have developed what could be the ultimate delicacy a seedless mango which is finely textured and juicy, with a rich, sweet and di...

Google Maps now available in Hindi
Search giant Google on Tuesday launched its Google Maps in Hindi seeking to make its navigation service more useful for users locally. Google ...

‘on-off’ switch in our brain that controls consciousness?
Researchers at George Washington University made an epileptic patient go to sleep by applying an electrical impulse in a specific brain region. A...

US man loses cell phone in grain pit, gets it back from Japan
Nine months after a US farmer lost his cell phone in a grain pit in Oklahoma, he has got it back from Japan. Kevin Whitney’s cell phone fell...

‘Water bear' can survive even in space!
A tiny new species called 'water bear' has been discovered in Antarctica and members of this species can survive in space, researchers said. ...

Saturn moon Titan's ocean is super salty: Study
Gravity data collected by NASA's Cassini spacecraft suggest that Titan's ocean must have an extremely high density and the ocean may be as salty ...

Alteration service’ makes shopping convenient for E- shoppers!
Are you a compulsive online shopper and worry about the right size? Fret not if your latest buy does not fit well. Fashionara.com has brought the c...

Experts say that towers do not cause any health hazard
Radiations emitted by mobile phones and towers do not cause any health hazard Myths without any reasonable scientific basis have been floated by pe...

A new app can change your nail colour pattern in seconds!
A newly designed app can help in instantly changing the pattern of your nail colour. So you need not to worry about changing your nail paint everyd...

Background TV may hamper toddler's language development
Prolonged exposure to background TV can have a negative impact on a toddler's language development, according to a new study. It is already ...

Earth, Moon may be now 60 million years older than thought
Scientists have finally unlocked the mystery of when did our planet evolve. At the Goldschmidt Geochemistry Conference in Sacramento, Californ...

Did you find your spouse on Facebook or Twitter?
If you got married in the last few years, chances are that you may have found your life partner on a social networking site such as Twitter and Fac...

'Emotional' robot can be your salesman
Beware salespersons! An ‘emotional’ robot designed to converse with shoppers has been brought to life. Named Pepper by its develope...

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