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 Frequently Asked Questions / Help
Quick link Questions:
  • What has changed in ekNazar Classifieds and why?
  • How can I add a classified?
  • How can I modify my classified?
  • How can I delete my classified?
  • How can I extend my classified duration?
  • How can I add images to my classified after posting the classified?
  • How can I edit classified images after posting the classified?
  • What are these features "Bold","Featured","Front Page Featured","Highlight","Post in all cities" & how can they help my classified?
  • In My Classifieds it displays "Draft Edit & Confirm", what does this means?
  • In My Classifieds it displays "Not Payed Edit & Pay now", what does this means?
  • I Post lot of classifieds is there a way i can keep balance money, so that i don't have to pay every time?
  • How can I enter my billing information and contact details so that it will fill them automatically?
  • What is the Category Fee, some of them seem to have it as $0.0?
  • How do I use the 'Quick Format' for formatting my Ad description?
  • I got a question/issue/error this faq does not address, what should I do?

  • What has changed in ekNazar Classifieds and why?
    ekNazar Classifieds are very popular with our users renowned for their reach, flexibility, ease of use and their FREE cost to our users. Even with all the advantages, the Classifieds were lacking various advanced features and the very flexible features have been exploited by some causing annoyance to many others.

    In a move towards adding several advanced features to our Classifieds, we have expanded the categories, included several new features and will also be moving to make Classifieds a fee based service for some of the categories. The Classifieds will remain to be free for some of the categories such as "Looking for Job", "Looking for Roommate" etc. For the rest of the categories, we will now begin collecting a Classified placement fee.

    How can I add a classified?
  • To post a classified you need to login for ekNazar
  • After you fill and submit the login form, you will get a confirmation email to the email address you have submitted
  • You need to login to the email and click on the confirmation link to complete registration
  • Once you complete the registration, you are ready to login and post your classifieds
  • Login using your newly created account, and click on "Add a Classified" to add a new classified
  • If your posting in one of the FREE categories you can post without adding any money to your account, otherwise you will be prompted for payment. Your classified will be published only if you pay the amount charged.
  • Once you have posted your classified, you can modify, update or delete it any time before the classified expires.
  • The default expiry for an classified is currently set as 15 days i.e., all classifieds will be delisted automatically after 15 days

  • How can I modify my classified?
    You have to first login using your account. You can then modify by clicking My Classifieds on the left hand side menu in the "Member options", which will pull up all of your Classifieds then click on "Edit" your classified

    How can I delete my classified?
    You have to first login using your account. You can delete by clicking My Classifieds on the left hand side menu in the "Member options" then click on "Delete" the classified you want to delete.

    How can I extend my classified's duration?
    You have to first login using your account. You can extend your classified's duration by clicking My Classifieds on the left hand side menu in the "Member options" then click on "Extend" a particular classified.
    Note: To extend beyond the default days, you need to pay extension fee.

    How can I add images to my classified after posting the classified?
    You have to first login using your account. Before adding the images you need to pay for the upload images feature, you can then add the images by modifying your classified. Goto My Classifieds on the left hand side menu in the "Member options" then click on Paid options Images link. This will direct you to pay for the images option. After paying you can choose "Modify" classified and then add the image or you can click on "add/edit" images link and goto the bottom of your classified to see the browse button.

    How can I edit classified images after posting the classified?
    You have to first login using your account. To edit a classified image goto My Classifieds on the left hand side menu from the "Member options", then click on Edit/(Add/Modify Images) link. Goto the bottom of your classified and use the browse button to upload the new image.

    What are these features "Bold","Featured","Front Page Featured","Highlight","Post in all cities" & how can they help my classified?
    These features help to promote your classified by catching the attention of others.

  • "Bold" - Will make the Classified Title appear in bold.

  • "Featured" - It will display the Classified in featured listing within a category.

  • "Front Page Featured" - Will display in the Classifieds front page i.e. Classifieds home. If there are too many Ads, it will randomly select the Ads that will fit in the front page.

  • "Highlighted" - Will make the Classified Title appear in different color.

  • "Post in all cities" - Classified listing will be posted in all of the ekNazar cities for maximum visibility.

  • In My Classifieds it displays "Draft Edit & Confirm", what does this mean?
    It means you have created a Free classified and did not post it. You can click on Edit & Confirm link to edit and post your Classified. If you add any paid options it will go to the payment screen.

    In My Classifieds it displays "Not Paid Edit & Pay now", what does this means?
    It means you just created the Paid classified and did not post it. You can click on the Edit & Pay now link to edit, pay & post your Classified.

  • How do I use the 'Quick Format' for formatting my Ad description?
  • You can use the following tags for formatting your Ad description.
    Example Usage:

        <b>EkNazar</b> will result in EkNazar

        <i>EkNazar</i> will result in EkNazar

        <u>EkNazar</u> will result in EkNazar

    List Item:
        <li>EkNazar list item 1 </li> <li>EkNazar list item 2 </li> will result in
  • EkNazar list item 1
  • EkNazar list item 2

  • I post lot of classifieds is there a way i can keep a balance in my account, so I don't have to pay every time?
    You can keep a balance and it will automatically deduct money when you post an ad or use a paid feature to your classified. Go to the left hand side menu Member options My Classifieds then click on Add money link or Add Money

    How can I enter my billing information and contact details so that the information is automatically retained for subsequent transactions?
    Goto the left hand side menu from the Member options, select Edit Contact Details. The information you enter here will be prepopulated for billing and contact details in the new classified screen.

    What is the category fee, some of them seem to have it as $0.0?
    We charge based on category the classified is posted in. All the free categories have the fee as $0.0. However if the user chooses paid features for the classified in the free category he will be charged accordingly.

    I got a question/issue/error not addressed in this faq?
    Contact us by giving as much details as possible. We currently support only email requests. Contact Form
    Sainivas Realtor RKT Shivaratri 2025

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