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To avoid extra salt in any dish, better add some Potateos pieces to it, so that the excess of salt might disappear..Try it .... - solution for wheezing
In hot milk add 1 tea spoon of turmeric powder and 1/2 tea spoon of pepper powder, drink fastly with little more hot. Enjoy the immediate result - To avoid sun tonesAfter you came out in the sunny, apply tomato juice on your face leave for 10 minutes. rinse with cold water. Then no worries about sun tones
- If ur dish become more spicy pour some coconut oil in ur dish. it will control the spicy
- Always use ghee or vanaspathi with or instead of oil, which gives a good flavour to the gravy. If oil alone is used, it does not get separated easily from the ground mixture, as ghee separates from it.
- Fluffy Chapathi:knead the dough little loose. give it a good massage for 2mins. roll the chappathi evenly throughout. no need of oil, no waiting, nothing. it all lies how u knead and roll.
- Fair Complexion:Soak white chickpeas overnight. grind it to paste and apply, leave it to dry and wash with lukewarm water . u will thank me for sure. dont try this frequently. jus say twice or thrice a month.
- If you want curd to settle fast after adding little curd to the milk you just put a greenchilly which is coated with salt
- To remove bubblegum stuck on hair wash it with any cold drink
- To make pooris more crispy add a little rice flour to the wheat flour while kneading.
- Applying pineapple slices or juice on skin for 10-15 minutes is one of the simplest natural home remedies for younger looking skin as it helps improve the tone and texture of skin.
- Daily applying mashed green papaya for about 15 to 20 minutes is one of the most trusted Age Spots home remedies.
- "Age Spots: Prepare a chickpea paste by mashing one-third cup of fresh chickpeas along with some water. Apply this therapeutic home remedy on the affected areas and leave it on the skin until it dries.
- Onion juice and lime juice are excellent natural home remedies for Age Spots. Onion juice can be applied by simply rubbing a red onion slice on the affected area.
- A combination of four tablespoons of buttermilk and two teaspoons of tomato juice is highly beneficial in the home treatment of Age Spots. This remdy should be applied for at least half an hour on a regular basis until the spots fade away.
- When dealing with Dandruff, wash your hair on a regular basis (at least two times in a week) with a mild shampoo containing 5% tea tree oil. Or, you can also add about 7-10 drops of grapefruit seed extract in your shampoo.
- A combination of olive oil and crushed rosemary leaves is one of the most valuable natural home remedies to control Dandruff. Alternatively, you can simply apply rosemary oil as a good Dandruff natural cure.
- Applying curd that has been kept for fermentation for 2-3 days is another useful natural remedy to control Dandruff. Let it stay on the scalp and head for about an hour, then wash it off. You can also add a few drops of lime juice in curd.
- Regularly massaging the scalp with warm coconut oil mixed with a few drops of lemon juice is quite a common Dandruff home remedy. You can also apply a combination of warm olive oil and ginger root for about 20-30 minutes.
- Boil four tablespoons of dried thyme in two cups of water for ten minutes. Next, cool and strain the mixture. Finally, massage the scalp with this solution after washing hair to control Dandruff naturally. Let the solution stay on your scalp for a long time. Follow this therapy about two to three times in a week.
- Practice meditation: Believe it or not, most of the times, the root cause for hair loss is stress and tension. Meditation can help in reducing that and restore hormonal balance.
- Avoid Hair LossApply warm green tea (two bags brewed in one cup of water) on your scalp and leave this mixture on for an hour and then rinse. Green tea contains antioxidants which prevent hair loss and boost hair growth.
- Get a head massage Massaging your scalp for a few minutes daily will help stimulate circulation. Good circulation in the scalp keeps hair follicles active. Circulation may be improved through massage by using a few drops of lavender or bay essential oil in an almond or sesame oil base.
- Natural juices to prevent hair lossYou can rub your scalp with either garlic juice, onion juice or ginger juice. Leave it on overnight and wash it thoroughly in the morning.
- Prevent hair loss
Take any natural oil - olive, coconut, canola - and heat it up so that it is warm, but not too hot. Massage it gently into your scalp. Put on a shower cap and leave it on for an hour, then shampoo your hair. - Coffee stains on carpet is a common problem. Blot coffee stains immediately! Then mix one tablespoon mild detergent, one tablespoon vinegar and one quart warm water. Apply the solution to the stained area. Let the carpet dry. As a worst case scenario, apply dry-cleaning fluid at this point, and let carpet dry again, then vacuum.
- Three ways to remove carpet stains
1- For fresh stains use plain baking soda, pour it dry on to the fresh spill but do not soak the baking soda. Let it foam and bubble, let it sit for a few minutes, then sponge up thoroughly.
2- For older stains, combine two tablespoons detergent, three tablespoons vinegar and one quart warm water. Work into carpet pile and blot dry. Repeat if needed.
3- Using shaving cream, let it foam on the carpet, wipe clean with sponge and rinse with damp cloth.
After any of these methods, cover the spot with a clean paper towel and place a heavy item, like a floor lamp, on top of it. Once the towel becomes damp, replace it and repeat till dry.
- Increase the life span of your mattress.
Every six months turn it from end to end and top to bottom. Use a washable, removable mattress cover to protect it from stain and soil. The cover should be easy to get on and off the mattress for ease in cleaning. - Cleaning CD DVD guidelines.
Use aerosol air to blow off dust, but do not get too close, those compressed air cans have a liquid that would be best to let dissipate.
Use a clean dry micro fiber cloth, the really fine type designed for cleaning glass.
Wipe from the center out to the edge, not round and round. You will want to wipe with the grain, but do not.
Do not use lens paper, it will scratch.
If the disc has a stain, rinse with distilled water, then let dry and buff softly with micro fiber cloth.
Use isopropyl alcohol for a tough stain, as a last resort.
- Toaster cleaning tip :
UNPLUG...Polish chrome with baking soda, shake out andknock loose crumbs with a brush and spray down with vinegar, lemon oiland water mixture.
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