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All Tips
- REMEDY FOR BLOCKED NOSE & POLYPS. Dry turmeric can do wonders for your blocked nose,take a piece of dry turmeric than burn it and inhale its smoke from your nostril,it clears running nose due to cold also shrinks polyps.
- remove the stretch marks on the paint wall
Apply nail remover on the paint wall to remove the stretch marks.then quickly clean the part of using cloth.
- AVOID BAD ODOUR IN UR FRIDGE To avoid bad odour from ur fridge, keep a piece of charcoal would abosorb all the bad adour in ur fridge n when opening no odours will come from ur fridge
- AVOID CONSTIPATION PROB Jus grind well ripened guava with seed n add little milk n make it as a fine paste...then add sugar as per the sweetness of guava...fry cashews, dates, raisins in a tbs of ghee and add it to the kheer,,,ur guava kheer is ready...serve it cool....healthy n avoid constipation prob
- REDUCES SOURNESS IN CURD RICE while preparing curd rice(yogurt) as lunch for childrens, add some raw cucumber pieces in it, this avoid more sourness in curd rice while eating during their lunch hours, as well its good for health too....even can add raw onion pieces it tastes better.
- How to store mint leafs Take little bit of oil in pan and fry mint leafs for few u can store it long time..
- Fair Skin Add 2 tbs of honey with 4tbs of papaya juice... massage ur skin gently up to 15min...u will get smooth,clean and fair skin..
- NATURAL FACE BLEACH take few pieces of white radishes and make it as a paste with little curd and apply it in ur face n levae for 20 mins...wash ur face with water...u will get a bleaching effect.
- Sourness in idli r dosa batter add coconut milk in it , it reduces the well as add onion, coriender leaf, green chilli while making dosas, this even take our the sourness
- STOMACH PROBLEM Add 2 spoons of dania seed (coriender seeds) and dry fry in a pan, put of the stove and add four cups of water ...after 3 hours filter the water n store it in a bottle...this can b given upto 2 spoons for 1-2 yrs kids and 1/4 glass for above 2 yrs cures stomach problem since dania coolness to the body...even elder people can take this water when the body has too much of heat..
- crispy dosa usually people greese the pan with onion before putting the batter..but instead of onion u can use a half cut potato n greese the that u can take the dosa very easily form the pan as well as it comes very crispier without sticking to it
- Cut, Peel onions without tears whenver u buy onions..keep the onions in the fridgge and when u have to use them take them out from the fridge and cut them....u will have no tears.0
- TO GLITTER THE GLASS ITEMS wipe the glass items like mirror, glass windows etc with chock piece powder (a very fine powder), so that they will glitter like a new one
- pimples vanish without leaving scars Make smooth powder out of cinnamon stick and store in airtight container.while applying to face ,take some powder and make a paste by adding 2drops of lemon juice and apply it on this regularly ,so that eventually pimple vanishes without leaving scar behind and again in future pimples will never appear in the spot where you applies cinnamon paste(new pimples will never come in the old pimple spot).
- Shining Teeth For Strengthening ur teeth to get a shine on ur teeth,use a pinch of salt on the tooth paste u use. do it for a week n c the change. trust me u will enjoy smiling.
- excess salt in a curry if in any food item excess salt is present ,,, make small balls of wheat flour with water{like how u make for chapathi } put in the food item , it will absorb the excess salt. later u can remove those balls.
- An easy way of setting curd Boil the milk and let the milk cooldown until lukewarm. Pour some curd into milk and stir with a spoon. Take a red chilli and tear it into pieces and place 2 to 3 pieces on top of milk. Place the container inside the oven. Curd will be formed within 1/2 day!!!!
- Good immunity Try to drink 1 glass of green tea every day to have an excellent immunity the way do not forget to add lime juice to it....
- For good health Consume a bowl of sprouts everyday for a good amount of protein in your body. It can make you strong and healthy.
- Gold Articles
The gold will become more brighter if it is cleaned in pumpkin juice. - Rosy LIps
Massage your lips with coriander leaf juice for soft and rosy lips. - Hair Conditioner
Mix an egg yolk with 2 teaspoons of castor oil and massage into your hair. Rinse and wash your hair as usual afterwards. - Soft hands
To make your soft hands simply apply little amount of almonds oil. you will get rid off the hardness within one week. TRY IT!! - Stains from cooker
For removing the stains from the pressure cooker, use a lemon peel or add a tablespoon of lemon juice while cooking. using lemon peel in fridge and in trash bags controls any bad odours. - softer idly
add little amount of sagu with urid dhal to have softer idlies. - Teeth whitening tip
Mix few drops of lime juice with baking soda and brush your teeth with this for 4 to 5 minutes once in every two days and in some days you shall see considerably whiter teeth. Remember not to overdo this as you might end up making your gums and tongue sore. - While making pesara punukulu add little rice flour.It takes very less oil while deep frying and also you get crispy punukulu.
- To heel cracks on foot.
Take little coconut oil and add it to little vaseline.Apply this mixture on cracks for a week in the night time..with in 7days foot will be soft and clear. - For a Paper Roast Dosa. Just add 2 spoon of corn powder in a small amount of batter and Try.
- To overcome bad breatheGrind & smash Ginger finely with water and keep it aside. Squeeze lime and get juice out of it. Mix grinded ginger water with lemon juice and add honey to it. Drink this once in a week to overcome bad breathe.
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