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- Grilled or baked potatoes are known to help in gain weight to the body due to presence of carbohydrates and complex sugars in them.
- Beans are best substitutes for those vegetarians who cannot gain benefits from animal proteins.
- Easier method to add calories to the body it is better to change the cooking oil which can be chosen from among olive oil, canola oil that also are found to be beneficial for body health.
- Quicker methods to add calories for the body is by eating these dried fruits rather than fresh one since they also are providing more calories and also nutritious at the same time.
- One of the best and tasty methods to put on some additional weight due to the presence of sugar and additional nutrients.
- Doing weight training at least 3 times a week can increase your weight.
- Avoid having any hair treatment and using chemical products during the hot season as the hair often gets damaged and dries up due to summer heat.
- Drinking ample amount of green tea will improve your mood.
- This is the easiest remedy to get rid of too much sweating. Simply cut slices of potato and rub them under your arms and the areas, which sweat more.
- Mix a tablespoon of salt with lime juice and massage your hands with this mix. It will decelerate the activities of sweat glands and will cure excessive sweating.
- Eating grapes every day can soothe out the problem of extreme sweating. It has natural antioxidants and it balances the temperature of the body.
- Treat Sweat naturally Infuse about 10gms of camphor in a bowl of coconut oil and apply it on the sweat prone areas to treat the trouble naturally.
- Cucumber juice acts like astringent :Cucumber is a natural astringent. It helps to cure excessive facial sweating when used regularly. Extract the juice of one cucumber, chill it in the refrigerator. Apply the juice with a cotton swab twice a day and leave it on till dry. Wash off with normal water. You can store cucumber juice in the fridge for 3-4 days.
- Apply Ice Cubes for fresh lookTake one ice cube and wrap it in muslin. Wipe your face with ice 2-3 times a day to cure excessive facial sweating. Ice helps to close and tighten the pores and the sweat gets blogged.
- Stop sweating stop oil based lotionsAvoid using heavy oil based creams and lotions on the face, especially in summers. They tend to aggravate sweating and you may suffer from acne problem. Opt for water based lotions and moisturiser and use it sparingly and that too in evenings when the temperature drops a little.
- Avoid Sweating on face Talcum powder absorbs excessive sweat from the face; apply a little talcum powder on your face two three times a day to keep it dry. A good quality loose face powder will also do the trick.
- Reduce Sweating
Roast whole green gram and grind it to make a fine powder. Take one tea spoon powder and make a paste with unboiled milk. Apply the paste on the face; leave it on till semi dry. Wash it off with normal water. Do this treatment for 15 days to cure excessive facial sweating. Green gram helps to absorb extra moisture from the skin and it prevents excessive facial sweating. - After applying henna never wash your hair with hot water. Preferably cold water if not use warm water for cleaning.
- Try and avoid using a blow dryer on the same day of henna you apply. Towel dry or if you have to use a hair dryer; use the low heat setting.
- Always apply henna section wise with a brush or fingertips. Make eight sections of your hair- 4 on top of the head and 4 at the back. This way you won't miss any greys.
- Apply onion juice for hair growth and it reduces the hair fall instantly.
- Pre-oil your hair, if you tend to get really dry when using henna, and herbs in your hair. This will give you the moisture boost you need. This also helps prevent dripping when dyeing your hair. Some of the best hair oils to use are olive oil, coconut oil, argan oil, and camellia oil.
- Adding sugar to your henna makes the henna paste smoother.
- Applying henna regularly will help you in reducing the curl hair.
- Dental Protection with Pomegranate peels:In a glass of water, add one teaspoon of sun-dried pomegranate peel powder and mix well. Next, gargle with this mixture twice daily to get rid of bad breath.
- Sunscreen Protection (pomegranate peels):Make a powder with sun-dried pomegranate peels and store in an airtight container. Mix this powder with your lotion or cream, preferably 20 minutes before leaving the house.
- Facial Scrub with pomegranate peels:Take two spoonfuls of sun-dried pomegranate powder and add one spoon of brown sugar to it. To make a paste, add one spoon of honey, one spoon of avocado oil or any essential oil of your choice and mix well.
- Natural moisturiser with pomegranate peels : Grind sun-dried pomegranate peels in a mixer and empty the powder into a clean bowl. Make sufficient powder to last you for a week and store it in an airtight container.
- Pomegranate peel prevents wrinkles and other signs of ageing:Take two spoonfuls of sun-dried and powdered peel and add little milk to it. If you have oily skin, add rose water to the powder instead of milk and make a paste out of it.
- Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that protects the collagen fibers in your skin from damage due to free radicals. This keeps the collagen fibers strong and promotes skin elasticity.
To get the maximum benefit, eat foods high in vitamin E (almonds, olives, sunflower seeds, spinach, avocados, pumpkins, etc.) and massage your skin with vitamin E oil or cream several times a day. You can take vitamin E oral supplements as well.
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