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- Drinking coffee can reduce the risk of depression, especially in women.
- Studies show that people who eat the most fish have a lower risk of all sorts of diseases, including heart disease, dementia and depression
- Coffee has been unfairly demonized. The truth is that it's actually very healthy.
- There is no better way to beat the heat and humidity during summer than having some cold mangoes brought out straight from the fridge. They fight cancer, reduce cholesterol, and eliminate pimples as well
- Prevent acne, pimples and breakouts during summers. The condition tends to get worse when humidity increases. The best way you can prevent this is to simply avoid touching your skin with your fingers. Whenever you want to wipe your face, use wet wipes instead. Or you can even dip a piece of cotton in rose water and massage all over the face. You should also wash your face with lukewarm water at times, since it tends to open up the pores. Also, know the oily sections of your skin and refrain from using a moisturizer in those areas. That will definitely prevent breakouts during hot and humid weather.
- Capsaicin is the chemical that makes chili peppers spicy. It's been used to treat nerve pain and psoriasis, but if you apply it on your nose, it can help with a runny nose caused by congestion.
- Drinking fluids and staying hydrated when dealing with a runny nose can be helpful if you also have symptoms of nasal congestion.
- Reduce heat with Pomegranate Juice : mixed with almond oil and had on a daily basis. It is an excellent remedy to control body temperature and can be consumed by all age groups.
- Using ice on scars actually remove the scars, but this treatment will help in reducing redness and improving the appearance of the scar.
- Kneading the jamun dough is the key to make soft & spongy gulab jamuns. So, don't skip the kneading step.
- Couple of drops of the lemon juice in Gulab Jamun syrup helps to keep the syrup from solidifying.
- Rub your face with ICe regularly. It protects your skin from tan and also it gives your face fresh look for long lasting.
- Drinking Carrot juice on regular basis reduces all nerve strain.
- Cold and itch travel along the same nerve fibers, the use of cold can 'jam the circuits'and deaden itch. Cool showers or baths or even ice packs can be an instant remedy for itchy skin. Again, hot water feels good temporarily, but it often leaves you feeling itchier later.
- Mixing oatmeal in water and spreading it on irritated skin can also be cooling and soothing. Add 2 cups of colloidal oatmeal to a lukewarm bath and soak to soothe itchy skin. Avoid using very hot water, as it can irritate the skin and cause it to itch more.
- Honey has amazing anti-bacterial properties. Making an eyewash with warm milk and honey can help to soothe and treat conjunctivitis. Use equal parts of both honey and milk, making sure the milk is warm (not boiling). Mix together the remedy and keep stirring until the honey becomes smooth in the milk. Use an eyedropper and drop 2-3 drops into your eye several times a day. Alternatively, you can use this mixture as a compress. The anti-bacterial properties in the honey and the soothing effects of the milk will start to work immediately. Remember that with any home remedy, you want to ensure that your utensils and containers are sanitized before you begin.
- Eyes irritation can be reduced by using this tip.Freeze aloe vera juice and then mix with a little bit of cold water. Using a clean piece of cotton, place this mixture over your eyes. VERY soothing!!
- Reduce bruising with Vicks VapoRub :
Mix a tablespoon of Vicks VapoRub with a little sea salt in a small bowl. After obtaining a grainy paste, gently apply to the bruised area. Use at least twice daily to eliminate the iscoloration.
- Remove warts with Vicks VapoRub : Coat the wart with a little ointment and cover with a bandage. Leave covered for a minimum of six hours, then remove the bandage and repeat the treatment. You will likely have to repeat the treatment many times to completely remove the wart.
- Vicks VapoRub can be used to treat athlete's foot and other complaints like dryness and cracked heels.
- Tighten loose skin on arms: Take the pulp of two figs and mix thoroughly with the juice of one lemon to form a paste. Before bed, apply to the problem area for 20 minutes, then rinse with cold water.
- Tighten loose skin on arms: Squeeze the gel from an aloe vera stalk and gently rub in a circular motion over the saggy area. Repeat at least once a week for an immediate tightening effect.
- Never wash hair with hot water. Use warm or cold water to prevent grey hair.
- Massaging with egg oil can prevent premature grey hair.
- Dissolve half teaspoon salt in one cup of water to make a salt water mouthwash. Now swish this mouthwash for at least 30 seconds, and then spit it out. Also you can gargle with lukewarm salt water for better results.
- One of the proven remedy to cure mouth ulcer is to massage the gums in the mouth with a mixture of honey and coconut oil.
- Rid from Mouth Ulcers :Eat a banana with curd as the first thing in the morning for better results.
- Consuming raw tomatoes helps you in getting rid of mouth ulcers. You can even try gargling with tomato juice three to four times every day.
- Remedie for mouth ulcer:Aloevera is an effective natural remedy for mouth ulcers. Take at least two tablespoons of aloe vera gel thrice daily for quick results.
- Gargle with one glass of cold /chilled water and one glass of lukewarm water alternatively. This procedure will cure the mouth ulcers effectively.
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