• Until his umbilical cord heals, you'll want to give your baby sponge baths only.
• One thing to keep in mind before you begin is that you should never leave your baby unattended. Not even for a second.
• To help keep your baby warm during his sponge bath, wrap him in a towel exposing only one body part at a time as you begin to clean him. Start with the face.
• Pour about one to two inches of water into a basin or a small baby bathtub with rubber backing; also check the temperature of the bath water.
• To eliminate the possibility of your baby catching a chill when you undress him, place him immediately, feet first, into the water. Then, using a small plastic cup, pour warm water gently over your infant's body.
• Warm baths are a great help in preparing your little one for sleep.
• When the bath is over, bundle your baby in a hooded towel. This is a neat way to keep your little one's head dry.