Life lessons one should never forget to make your experience of life more Profound and Beautiful.
Eliminate the falsehoods - Dedicate a moment to identifying and removing a redundant element from your life, without considering external factors such as your boss, mother-in-law, or next-door neighbor. Instead, focus on removing a part of yourself that no longer serves a purpose in your life. For instance, a broad statement like "I will eliminate my anger" is impractical and cannot be achieved solely through willpower. It requires awareness to attain valuable life lessons.
Break the status quo - Examine your life in terms of what can be improved and take action. Crying about things you can’t alter is a surefire way to keep things the same. Examine this at least once a month, on the full moon day, consciously look at this and identify one small thing about yourself that you want to change. Like, “Every time before I eat, I will spend 10 seconds in gratitude for this food which is going to become a part of me.” Or, “Every time I use anything that is an essential element of my life, like the soil, the water, the air, and everything else around me, I will save 1% of it.” Or, “I will see to it that I only put on my plate what I can eat.” These small things will change your life and set you apart.
Remember you are mortal - Every human being must create their psychological and emotional framework around the most fundamental fact of their existence their mortality. If you were immortal, you could enjoy a hundred years each of depression, anxiety, madness and misery and then on the 500th anniversary, you could become joyful. But that is not the case. You are mortal and it is ticking away. So there is no time for frustration, depression, anxiety, anger or for any unpleasantness in this life. Choose to live intelligently
There is intelligence in humility - The difference between a fool and an intelligent person is that the latter is aware of his folly, whereas the former is not. It takes a lot of intelligence to recognize your own foolishness. Live intelligently this is not for someone else’s sake. It is pleasant and beautiful for you. Creating a loving world is not a service that you do for someone else. It is an intelligent way to exist.
Respect for the planet you walk on, the air you breathe, the water you drink, the food you eat, the people you meet, and everything else you utilize, including your body and mind, is a key component of success in any activity.
Decision on the quality of your life - In many respects, most people’s happiness, calm, and love are purely dependent on their surroundings. Our ability to live joyfully here does not depend on the size of the house we live in or the car that we drive. These things make your life comfortable and convenient but the essential quality of your life is how you are within yourself right now.
There is no good and bad - If you want to call it that – your inner world should only be a reflection of what is going on around you. This may run counter to some moral theories that state that the outer and inner selves should not come into contact with one another since you will be corrupted by everything around you. That isn’t correct. Only when you have ideas on everything do you become tainted by what is around you. You consider one thing to be good and another to be terrible. You develop a strong attachment to what you think to be good.
You try everything you can to avoid what you think to be terrible, and this, of course, will rule you from within. This is not the way to go about things. The way to be within is to see everything exactly as it is. If you perceive something that isn’t there, you’re contaminating the world with your prejudices and opinions. Creation is made so that you may see it as it is, not so that you can make it the way you desire. Everything you think is in the past is here, and everything you think will be in the future is right here. You become the very source of creation if you perceive everything as it is, if the entire creation reflects within you, if you can contain creation as it is within you. Inside and out, that is the way to be.
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Yes, these are the main key points to remember through out the life.
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