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Strong Relationship with God

Have you ever thought about how to have a strong relationship with God? If not, this is the time to think about that seriously. Without God you are nothing in this world, so you should maintain a good relationship with God. Through this post, I am going to line up 10 easy ways of how to have a strong relationship with God.

If you desire to strengthen your relationship with God but find yourself easily slacking; do not worry you are not alone. Intending to improve is a crucial step towards restoring it. Many of us share the same struggle of losing focus from time to time. We all tend to stray out of our commitment and allow various distractions deter us from course quite often at different levels of our relationship with God. In such situations you easily and quickly find yourself lost in the moment and out of track.

Since this is a problem for everyone, I through experience compiled a list of 10 easy ways for anyone who is seeking quick methods of how to have a strong relationship with God. These quick methods helped me improve significantly and showed me the areas I that I need to focus on most.

1. Set Out an Alone Time with God

If you are committed to seeking how to have a strong relationship with God, you have to set out frequent quality time with Him. Like any other relationship, spending time together to know one another deeply improves the relationship significantly. In essence, family relationships are tightly knit because the members spend most of their time in their lives together. This closeness nurtures the relationship and deepens knowledge of the other party’s personality. God desires a personal close relationship with us so let us create the time.

2. A Good Prayer Always

Most people pray before they have a meal a quick short traditional prayer that they can say without thinking. The problem is we say it so fast and do not have the time to contemplate on what we are actually saying or the meaning of the words. No one would like loved ones and friends to talk to us in that manner. Try to make meaningful prayer and emphasis on every statement in prayer. From prayer for meals, you can then advance to other issues and spend more effort in what you are saying.

3. Involve God in Your Emotions

Be quick to involve God by contacting Him anytime you have an issue such as worry, stress or anger. Instead of informing or reporting to Him, seek His opinion of what He may do for you or for you to do. The result will be you will not be thinking or worrying about your problems but praying about them. This is a choice of making God part of your emotions. The outcome is a peaceful and joyous life without worry, anger, fear or nervousness.

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