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New Second Edition: Lies,Lies and More Lies. The campaign to Defame Hindu Nationalism

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Expanded and Revised Second Edition

Lies, Lies and More Lies

The Campaign To Defame Hindu Nationalism.

2nd Edition

ISBN: 978-1-4917-3835-1 (sc)

978-1-4917-3836-8 (hc)

Publisher: iUniverse

Published: Oct 16, 2014

Author: Vivek

Reviews From Previous Edition

‘A brilliant book’

Seth J. Frantzman, Amazon Hall of Fame Reviewer.

‘A passionate and thoughtful call for perspective on hot-button Indian social issues’

Midwest Book Review

The resounding electoral victory of Narendra Modi and the BJP in the Indian elections of 2014 makes it all the more imperative for the Western world in general and academics to get a true picture of what Hindu Nationalism stands for.

The last decade has seen the publication of a plethora of books like Christophe Jaffrelot’s, The Hindu Nationalist Movement in India, Thomas Hansen’s The Saffron Wave and Martha Nussbaum’s The Clash Within that have been highly critical of the Hindu Nationalist Movement in India. This genre of books has been a one-sided, prejudged narration that has failed look at the movement from the Hindu perspective or even accord Hindu Nationalism a fair and scholarly treatment. At times these books have highlighted dubious incidents to put forth their point of view or held up radical fringe elements as representative of Hindu Nationalism. This campaign unfortunately has been sustained by a section of the Indian Diaspora in the United States and it is especially important that the broad American academia and public be made aware of the reality.

Lies, Lies and More Lies presents the other side of the story in a balanced manner with tangible proof backed by sound references that puts paid to many of the false innuendoes against Hindu Nationalism that have been bandied around for years. This new second edition of Lies, Lies and More Lies (first edition was published in 2007) contains 2 new sections (Gujarat and Babri-Masjid-Mandir Controversy) and 10 new chapters and provides more evidence of the lies that have been spread about Hindu Nationalism.

This book is a must read for those (academics, political leaders, businessmen, and others alike) who wish to interact with India and Indians for it enables them to understand the Hindu/Indian psyche better.

Available on Amazon.com:

URL: http://www.amazon.com/Lies-More-Campaign-Nationalism-Edition/dp/1491738359/ref=dp_ob_title_bk

EMAIL: bharatvarsha_1@yahoo.com

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