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Articles - Nostalgia

Stop Repetitive Bad Memories

Ever have that horrible memory that makes you feel like crawling under the furniture--this is no joke--maybe it is something that makes you shudder (It feels creepy!)--but it just jabs your mind in its stomach? Here's how to deal with it and get on with your life: today!

Few Steps To Avoid Bad Memories:

First, embrace that bad memory; like accept who you are and how your life is. Feel it. Shout, pound on the floor or cry if you have to (Guys, it's OK to let your emotions loose and cry if something really hurts deeply--not for a little scratch...). Just let the feeling into your conscious mind. Soak it up, absorb your grief or sorrow. Think about it. Recall the memory and try to think it through.

Get over "denial."

One step of grieving is denial which is a feeling like you may sometimes wonder whether a past event actually happened or not.

Stop wishing that it didn't happen


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