In recent times, it seems there are only three measures of success: Money, looks, and fame. If you don't have one or all of them, you feel like things aren't good enough, and perhaps you feel unlucky and cheated. But you're an ordinary person, and it's hard to feel self-worth, self-respect, and self-esteem when you go to an everyday job in an everyday world. Well, you can overcome your feelings... How do you find a sense of significance in a world that seems so very shallow?
Cultivate a grateful heart. Gratitude is the one thing that most people who feel a low sense of self-worth lack. If you can look outside your own world, and see how good you really have it, you will feel much more like your life is a worthwhile thing. If you don't have a terminal illness, have had something to eat today, have a bed to sleep in tonight... materially speaking you have it better than 70% of all the people in the whole world. If you're reading this on your own computer, you're better off than about 90% of everyone.
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