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Makaradhwaja - Son of Lord Hanuman
Makardhwaja: The Guardian of Patala and the Unforeseen Father-Son Showdown Let's take a closer look at the intriguing tale of Ma...

The Term Gita and Its Various Texts
The term "Gita" is most commonly associated with the "Bhagavad Gita," a 700-verse Hindu scripture that is part of the Indian epic M...

Jambavan - Indian Epic
Jambavan, also known as Jambavantha, is a significant character in the Hindu epic, the Ramayana. He is a wise and powerful bear-like Vanara, reno...

Jatayu - Indian Epic
Jatayu is a prominent character in the Indian epic, the Ramayana. He is a vulture and a noble bird of great strength and wisdom. Jatayu plays a s...

Characters of the Kishkindha Kanda in the Ramayana
Recently, I've been engrossed in watching episodes of "The Legend of Hanuman" and encountered new characters whose names were previously unknown ...

Blessed Moments in Gokarna - A Visit to the Sacred Atmalinga
Our recent visit to Gokarna was truly wonderful. We felt fortunate to be in a place that holds the Atmalinga, a divine gift from Lord Shiva to...

Significance of Karthika Masam
Karthika Puranam is a Hindu religious text that is recited or read during the Karthika Masam, which is the eighth month in the Hindu lunar calend...

ॐ Sound of Universe
AUM is the all encompassing cosmic vibration of the universe. The word AUM is defined by Hindu scripture as being the primordial sound of creatio...

Samskaraas of Hindu Dharma in Garuda Purana
The author of the Garud Puran is Navanidhirama, who is the son of Sri Hari Narayana. One of the remarkable aspects of the teachings found in the...

Mausala Parvatham - 'The AntiClimax Of Mahabharata'
The Mausala Parva or the Book of Clubs, is the 16th of the 18 books of the Mahabharata. It does not consist of any upa parvas and is one of the t...

Girivalam or Giri Pradakshina is a traditional practice of circumambulating the holy hill Arunachala, located in the town of Thiruvannamalai in t...

14 Lokas as per Hindu Tradition
The Hindu Mythological world is filled with many godly figures and interesting stories. Many Hindus believe that there are 14 lokas, or worlds th...

Why Ayyappa has 18 steps?
The 18 steps that lead to the sanctum sanctorum of the Sabarimala temple are believed to be an inalienable part of the darshan. The steps are believe...

BARBAREEK- An Ancient Indian Robot
In the year 1027 AD about a thousand years ago, a group of workers were digging the ground for water in a village called Khatu in the state of R...

Dhanvantari - The Physician of the Gods and an Incarnation of Vishnu
According to the mythology, during Samudramanthan, Lord Dhanvantari appeared with Amrita in one hand. Considering it an auspicious thing to happe...

Yogasthah Kuru Karmani
Yogasthah Kuru Karmani means, first establish your way of being – then act. First your dharma – then your karma. Now you create too mu...

Dashavataram Of Lord Vishnu
The are the ten primary avatars of Vishnu, a principal Hindu god. Vishnu is said to descend in the form of an avatar to restore cosmic order. ...

Hanuman Chalisa - An Ancient Prayer Predicts distance from Earth to Sun
Hanuman Chalisa was composed by Gosvami Tulasidasa. He was a great devotee of Lord Ramachandra who lived in the 16th century. He composed the Ram...

Hinduism and the four stages of life
Hinduism is one of the world’s oldest religions and it has no historical founder. The term ‘Hindu’ came into existence in the 6th century B...

Nayanars and Alvars in Bhakti Movment
The Nayanars and Alvars were the Tamil poet-saints who played a key role in propagating the Bhakti Movement in Southern India during the ...

YADU - The founder of Yaduvansh.
Yaduvanshi or House of Yadu was a powerful royal dynasty in the Mahajanapada period who were an offshoot of the Chandravansha dynasty. The dynast...

Levels of Warrior in Mahabaratha - Rathis, Atirathis, Maharathis & Atimaharathi
Who is called Maharathi? Maharathi - A warrior who is superior to all officers in the army and a major portion of the army is under him ....

Saint Ramanujacharya Body still Preserved ?
Ramanujacharya is Vaishnava philosopher born in 1017 A.D. in the village of Perumbudur, about twenty-five miles west of Madras. His father was Ke...

Kashyapa Rishi
Kashyapa Rishi is one of the prominent Rishis of the Vedic period. As per history, Kashyapa Rishi occupied an important place in ancient India. H...

Dev Deepawali
Kartika Purnima is a Hindu, Sikh and Jain cultural festival, celebrated on the Purnima (full moon) day or the fifteenth lunar day of Kartik (Nove...

Ganesh Visarjan and Ananth Chaturdashi
As the word 'visarjan' implies, on this day immersion ('visarjan' means immersion) of Lord Ganapati's idol takes place in a river, sea or water body. ...

Avoid offering turmeric to Lord Shiva
Many Lord Shiva devotees do not know that there are few things that must not be offered to Lord Shiva. Though worshiping Hindu Gods and Goddesses...

Why do we offer milk to Lord Shiva?
According to the science of Ayurveda, every person has 3 components in them: 1) Vata (Air) 2) Kafa (Cough) and 3) Pitta (Acids) All three e...

SHIVANARAYANA - The Combined Form of Lord Shiva & Vishnu
Lord SHIVANARAYANA is a combined deity form of Shiva (Shankara) on the right with Nandi, and Vishnu (Narayana) on the left with Garuda. The form ...

Lord Krishna & Sage Durvasa
Durvasa a great sage used to wander around asking who would invite him as a guest to their house. Durvasa appears in Hindu mythology as the angry sage...

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