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Toddlers learn words differently as they age
Research has shown that most 18-month-olds learn an average of two to five new words a day; however, little is known about how children process inform...

Family dinners protect kids from cyber-bullying
Make it a point not to miss family dinners to connect with your kids and help them cope with cyber-bullying. Like traditional bullying, cyber or i...

Cartoon Network makes daily chores fun for school kids
Kids' entertainment channel Cartoon Network's School Contact Programme (SCP) Kris ka Magic Mantra aims to add a fun element to such daily woes. ...

Is your college going kid more active on weekends?
Parents always suspect that their college going kids prefer weekends to weekdays. Now there is proof that college graduates are more active on weekend...

Don't miss meals with kids
Spending time at home, especially at breakfast and dinner, gives your adolescent kids healthier eating behaviour and even better exercise habits, says...

Chefs innovate to get fussy children to eat
"When your serve a meal with words like 'healthy', people tend to reject it, be it an adult or a child. They hear the word healthy and they refuse to ...

Top health care tips for moms!
Being a mother is simply marvellous! No words can explain the many wonderful feelings that come with being a mom. Of the many `best parts` of being a ...

After-School Snacks: Help Your Kids Develop Healthier Eating Habits
A parent's back-to-school frustration isn't limited to school supplies, new clothes or after-school care. There's also the dilemma of lunch fixings an...

Husband not involved in parenting? Blame his office
But static organisational norms often inhibit them from meeting more recent expectations of being an involved parent, research shows. "While work-l...

How fatherhood reshapes your brain
Even as men draw flak for not doing enough of parenting as mothers generally do, researchers have discovered that taking care of his kids may not only...

No School No books...
Don’t Let Your Child’s Hard Work from the School Year Fall Victim to a Summertime Slump Best in Class Education Center www.bestinclasseduc...

Don't hide truth from kids, they'll know it anyway
If you do not reveal the complete picture in front of your kids while explaining an event, the children not only know that you are hiding something...

Learn how to make your kids eat veggies
If you wish to encourage your kids to eat healthy and want them to eat vegetables without making much fuss, starting early and often could be the k...

Magnet-powered toys dangerous for kids: Study
Does your toddler play with magnet-powered toys? Throw these away as the chances of him/her ingesting tiny magnets is high, resulting in serious injur...

Surveys tell us that the Kids spend more time on technology than family.
Children as young as seven are spending so much time on technology than family that it is affecting the relationships between parents and kids, say...

How to Get Your Kids to Eat Food That They Don't Like
You've begged and you've pleaded. You've cried and you've screamed. Yet, your kids still won't eat what you know is good for them? Try these tactics t...

How to identify your baby is ill
Parenting is far most a difficult task and a mystery as well. It is also an art that you need to learn step by step and not a job that you will be abl...

Empathy helps children better understand sarcasm
For children, sarcastic language can be difficult to understand. They generally begin to recognize sarcasm between ages 6 and 8, especially familiar s...

10 amazing health benefits of bananas
From curing dry skin and dull hair to curbing your untimely hunger pangs and burning fat, banana does it all. It is one of the most versatile fruits, ...

Fathers turn to Google to solve children’s problem
What do dads do when their children approach them for help or for advice? They go to Google for answers to their kids' query or problems, reveals a ne...

Clever tips which can keep children happy at no cost
Planning to spend some fun times with your children, but worried about spending more than your budget? Try cutting costs by going for some free activi...

Depression among dads can affect quality of father-child interaction
A father's depression can have tremendous effect on his young son or daughter, a new study has revealed. According to the University of Illinois st...

Men barely sacrify their careers for fatherhood
According to a new book, the idea that men are cutting back on work to help their partners with childcare is just a myth. Gideon Burrows, author of...

Appreciate Your Child
Appreciation helps develop self-confidence. It helps your child get a sense of right from wrong, and prevents him from feeling neglected. ...

Giving your child junk food can lower their IQ, claim scientists
# Researchers find evidence dietary patterns of children aged six months to two years can affect their IQ at eight years old. # Breast milk, che...

Heavy school bags are 'deforming' children as growing numbers suffer irreversible back pro...
Growing numbers of children are developing irreversible back deformities because of the weight of the bags they carry to school, experts warned yest...

Overprotective parents could make playtime MORE dangerous for their children
Overprotective measures from parents make playground accidents more likely to take place, a study has found. A study conducted by Mineola, New...

Could the sun save your children from depression?
Children with low levels of vitamin D are more likely to suffer from depression, claim scientists. Those with the highest levels of the ‘sunshi...

Following Tradition and Culture
The Richness of every person developed by their following tradition and culture. culture means unity in diversity. If children learn all these from...

Lifestyle Choices that Affect Women's Health
Many lifestyle choices can affect a woman’s health. If you do not understand the implications of this it would be a good idea if you read this. A l...

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