Innocent Child Doing Business
A Little Boy Was Selling Parachutes.
Little Boy: Buy This Parachute And Land Safely On The Ground During Emergency
Customer: What If This Does Not Open When Needed?
Little Boy: You'll Get Your Money Back
I Do Not Want To Marry
Man 1: I Do Not Want To Marry Because I Am Afraid Of All Women
Man 2: Get Marry Soon Then U'll Be Afraid Of Only One And Start Loving Other
I'm Dying
Husband SMS His Wife: Hi, What You Doing Darling?
Wife: I'm Dying
Husband Jumps With Joy But Types: Oh My Dear, How Can I Live Without You?
Wife: You Idiot I'm Dying My Hair
Husband: Bloody English
Where The Hell Are You?
An Angry Wife To Her Husband On Phone: Where The Hell Are You?
Husband: Darling You Remember That Jewellery Shop Where You Saw The Diamond Necklace And Totally Fell In Love With It & I Didn't Have Money That Time & I Said Baby It'll Be Yours One Day Yeah, I Remember That My Love'
Husband: I'm In The Barber Shop Just Next To That Shop
How Many Cats Will You Have?
Teacher: If I Gave You 2 Cats, And Another 2 Cats And Another 2, How Many Will You Have?
Pappu: 'Seven Sir'
Teacher: No, Listen Carefully. If I Gave You 2 Cats, And Another 2 Cats And Another 2, How Many Will You Have?
Pappu: 'Seven'
Teacher: Let Me Put It To You Differently. If I Gave You 2 Apples, And Another 2 Apples And Another 2, How Many Will You Have?
Pappu: Six.
Teacher: Good. Now If I Gave You 2 Cats, And Another 2 Cats And Another 2,How Many Will You Have?
Pappu: 'Seven!!!
Very Angry Teacher: Where Do You Get Seven From
Very Angry Pappu: Because I Already Have One At Home
Heart Touching Lines By A Chain Smoker:
I Trust On Cigarettes More Than Girls,
Because, I Am Ready To Damage My Lungs But Not My Heart.
A Wrong Decisions
Wife Comes Home Late At Night From A Party And Quietly Opens The Door To Her Bedroom.
From Under The Blanket She Sees Four Legs Instead Of Two!
She Reaches For A Baseball Bat And Starts Hitting The Blanket As Hard As She Can.
Once She's Done, She Goes To The Kitchen To Have A Drink.
As She Enters, She Sees Her Husband There, Reading A Magazine.
Hi Darling He Says Your Parents Have Come To Visit Us, So I Let Them Stay In Our Bedroom, Hope You Have Said Hello To Them.
A Clever & Smart Husband
I Sent A Text To My Wife Last Night:
I Sent Another Text: Babe I Forgot To Tell You That I Got An Increase In My Salary At The End Of The Month I'm Getting You A New Car
She Text Back In One Second: OMG Really?
I Replied: No I Just Wanted To Make Sure You Got My First Message.
After An Emotional Hug Girl Said To The Boy
Girl: If You Hug Me Once More Like That, I Will Be Yours Forever
Boy: Thanks For The Warning
Why Indian Women Have Red Dot On Their Forehead
Question: Why Do Indian Married Women Have That Red Dot On Their Forehead?
Answer: Because They're Recording Everything
Trust In God, Always
There Was A Flood In A Village.
One Man Said To Everyone: I'll Stay! God Will Save Me!
The Flood Got Higher And A Boat Came And The Man In It Said: Come On Mate, Get In!
No, God Will Save Me! Replied The Man.
The Flood Got Very High Now And The Man Had To Stand On The Roof Of His House.
A Helicopter Soon Came And The Man Offered Him Help.
No, God Will Save Me! He Said
Eventually He Died By Drowning.
He Got By The Gates Of Heaven And He Said To God: Why Didn't You Save Me?
God Replied: For Goodness Sake! I Sent A Boat And A Helicopter. What More Do You Want!
life before computer
Window was a square hole in a room
Application was somethong written in paper
Mouse was an animal
Keyboaed was a piano
File was an important office material
Hard drive was an uncomfortable road trip
Cut was done with knife and paste with glue.
Web was a spider's home....
But now......
Fact of google
50% of the people use it well as a search engine..!!
The other 50% of the people use it to check if their internet is connected or not!!
Girls live longer than boys
Why girls live longer than boys???? ..
Scientific studies have proved that ..
never causes HEART ATTACKS, but, .
"PAYING the "BILLS" does
Fighting for a seat in a bus
Two ladies fighting for a seat in a bus ..
Bus Conductor : The older one should sit here
Both looked at each other and the seat remained empty
Millions of people write love letters
Millions of people write Love Letters.
But everyone send there 1st love letter mostly to me,
Just imagine how lucky I m!
Great words
Said by
** DUST BIN **
A beggar found rs 100
A Beggar Found Rs. 100/-
He Went To A 5 Star Hotel For Dinner...
Bill Rs. 3000/-
He was unable to pay!!!
Manager Handed Him To Police!!!
He Gave Rs. 100/- To Policeman & Free!!!
Height of good luck Joke
Height of Good Luck....!...
Teacher: Hey! Stand up. Tell me two pronouns.
Student: Who? Me?
Teacher: Very good.....Sit down :D
Teacher: Do you have trouble making decisions?
Student: Well...yes and no.
Excuse me
"Excuse me. Do you know the way to the zoo?"
"No, I'm sorry I don't."
"Well, it's two blocks this way, then one block to the left."