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Dates Chia Pudding

By: Admin
Region: Others
Dish:Vegetarian - Others
Servings: 2


-2 cup low fat milk
-4 tablespoon chia seeds
-1/2 cup pitted dates
-3 tablespoon lukewarm milk
-1/2 cup rolled oats
-2 teaspoon cocoa powder
-1/2 cup flaked almonds


- To prepare this dish, begin by soaking pitted dates in lukewarm milk for 30 minutes. Once they are soaked, create a smooth paste and set it aside. In the meantime, heat low-fat milk in a pan and transfer it to a large bowl.

- Combine the rolled oats, cocoa powder, dates paste, and chia seeds, stirring them together thoroughly. Pour the mixture into serving glasses and top it off with a garnish of flaked almonds.

- Chill in the refrigerator and serve cold. Enjoy!


For an even more delightful experience, consider adding a dollop of whipped cream on top.

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