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Microwave lemon curd sponge

By: Admin
Region: American
Dish:Vegetarian - Others
Servings: 6
Time to Prepare: 15 Mins


-120g unsalted butter, very soft, plus extra to grease
-120g caster sugar
-120g self-raising flour
-2 medium eggs
-2 tbsp milk​
-1 lemon, zest finely grated
-4 tbsp Tesco Finest lemon curd, plus extra to serve
-Greek yogurt, to serve (optional)


- Put the butter, sugar, flour, eggs, milk and lemon zest in a mixing bowl with a pinch of salt and beat with an electric whisk until completely smooth.

- Butter a 1 litre ovenproof bowl or dish and transfer the cake mix to it, dotting the lemon curd through as you go. Microwave on full power for 4 mins at 1000w or 5 minutes at 800w, then remove and leave to stand for 10 mins.

- Divide between bowls and serve with an extra dollop of lemon curd and a spoonful of Greek yogurt, if you like.


This microwave-friendly sponge pudding is ready in 10 minutes

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