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Beetroot Modak

By: Admin
Region: Indian
Dish:Vegetarian - Festivals


Besan or gram flour - 2 cup
Rava/semolina/suji (fine) - 2 tbsp
Beetroot colour or two oven cooked beetroot paste - 1/4 tsp
1 1/2 cup water
Oil for frying

Sugar Syrup
Sugar - 1 cup
Water - 1/2 cup
Cardamom powder - 1/4 tsp
Lemon juice - 1/2 tsp
Cashew/kaju (chopped) - 2 tbsp


Preparation of Modak Mixture
Take a bowl and mix the above modak ingredients with water, let it sit for 30 mins

Prepare oil for frying and use perforated spoon to jerk and make small globules

Make sure it is slow cooked and deep fried, remove from the oil and place it in paper towel to remove oil.

Cool down to mix it with sugar syrup

To the hot sugar syrup, add above prepared modak mixture

Continue cooking for 2 -3 minutes or until when sugar syrup thickens

Cover and keep aside for 10 minutes

After 10 minutes, sugar syrup is absorbed completely by mixture

Add 2 tbsp cashew and 2 tbsp pistachios. Mix Well

When the mixture is dried and all the sugar syrup is absorbed, prepare modak taking a small amount of mixture. Add milk, if required to moisten modak

Finally, modak is ready to be served or can be refrigerated for a week

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