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Seafood and Spring Onion Sizzler
Region: Indian
Dish:Non Vegetarian - Sea Food


200 gms prawns
100 gms sole fish
100 gms spring onion
40 ml. BBQ sauce
20 gms garlic
20 ml. oil
40 gms chopped onion
10 gms parsley
40 gms cabbage
20 gms butter
Salt and black pepper according to your taste


Step 1: Clean seafood properly with fresh water. Now chop it in small fine pieces.

Step 2: Heat oil in a pan, now fry chopped onion, garlic in it. Cook it properly before adding seafood and spring onion.

Step 3: Add salt, black pepper, parsley and BBQ sauce together and stir it well. Heat sizzler and decorate with grated cabbage.

Step 4: Put seafood on it and pour hot butter. Now your delicious sea food sizzler is ready to serve.


This delicious recipe is treasure trove for seafood lover. Lying on spring onion bed, this juicy seafood recipe amazes you by its sumptuous taste. Discover unique taste of seafood with this non-vegetarian recipe.

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