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Retaining Vitamins
Do steam or microwave vegetables and fruits to retain as much vitamins and minerals as possible, as opposed to boiling.
Refrigerating Vegitables
Wrap the fruits and vegetables in newspaper before refrigerating to keep them fresh for long.
Beware - Nail Polish
Most nail polishes are flammable, so avoid placing them, even for a short time, on things like cookers, heaters, etc.
Wine Stains Treat wine stains immediately. To absorb the spill, sprinkle salt liberally over the area and then wash in cold water with a regular detergent. You can also use hydrogen peroxide to get rid of the stain.
Bookshelf Avoid keeping books tightly against one another in a book shelf. Books should be kept in such a way that they can be easily removed.
Stained Basins If your bath or basin has stains caused by a dripping tap, rub the stains with stained basins. A paste made of salt and lemon juice and then rinse. If the stains are old and resistant, make a paste of cream of tartar and peroxide. Rub the stain with an old toothbrush and then rinse.
Cleaning Stainless Steel Sinks Baking soda or club soda can be used to clean and shine the stainless steel sinks.
Clogged SinkPour 1/2 cup of baking soda over the drain, and then pour a cup of vinegar over it. Let set for a minute till it foams, then run your hot water or pour boiling water down the drain! You may need to repeat the process.
OdourCan't get rid of a lingering smell in the kitchen? Try baking some orange peels in the oven at 350 degrees. Bake for about 15 minutes.
Tupperware Care
Spray your Tupperware with nonstick cooking spray before pouring in tomato based sauces and there won’t be any stains.
When boiling corn on the cob, add a pinch of sugar to help bring out the corn’s natural sweetness.
To remove wax
Take a paper towel and iron it over the wax stain, it will absorb into the towel.
Creating space and light Placing mirrors in a room will give you extra light.
Avoide lump or sticky noodles Add a lump of butter or a few tea spoons of cooking oil to the water while cooking Rice, noodles or Spaghetti.
Protein watering Save the water after boiling eggs and cool it, then use it as a tonic for your houseplants.
Cold Water Bath A cold-water bath is the valuable method in curing anaemia. You should take atleast 2-3 baths daily.
Acidity Consumption of milk and other milk products is also very good for curing acidity.
Pest Control When boiling water, boil some extra water. Pour this down your sink. This will kill cockroaches and remove their eggs.
To prevent colours from running Soak the garment in salt water for 10 minutes before washing it.
Lice Control Boil a handful of neem leaves and basil leaves and wash your hair regularly with it to get rid of lice.
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