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Pest Control: Keep your yard clean. Don't let trash or litter accumulate. Prevent standing water and weeds. Outside trash cans should have sealed lids and any spills should be cleaned up right away.
Any little cracks, gaps or crevices along doors and windows need to be sealed up and repaired. If you have a screen door, there is access to screens with holes small enough to help prevent unwanted visitors.
Around your home, use rock or stone instead of wood chips or straw. Keep potential hideout places for pests away from your home. If you have trees next to your home, keep branches cut back so there is no bridge access from the tree to the home.
Vitamin C is health beneficial as it provides great relief for severe back pains. You have to take about 2,000mg of vitamin C daily to treat the condition. You will see a huge difference in your condition even in 2-3 days.
Heat is wonderful treatment for back pain. Boil some water and put it in a bottle. Put this bottle over pain-affected areas to get temporary relief. Honey is well known in the medical world because of its health beneficial results. You can take a glass of water mix with honey every morning to get rid of backache.
Back Pain is very common in each age groups. Either you are a techie working regularly till 8-10 hrs or a student studying for long or a housewife, all are facing back pain. Some peoples try medicines to cure back pain which is not a permanent solution. In todays hactic work schedule, peoples required to fit themself using natural arts like yogs, swimming etc...
Stressing and anxiety can cause the over-production of a certain hormone called cortisol, which encourages weight gain about the belly area. So try to keep yourself cool
With urbanization happening at high-speed around us. The issue of how to restore vitality in a historic conservation district and to re-use these districts according to the demands of the modern city has been paid more and more attention by scholars from different fields. Nowadays, local residents and scholars focus on the problem of how to combine local history and culture, the special characteristics and traditions of an area with modern city life while keeping its historic essence.
Dogs and cats need to be busy, and when they get bored when their owners won't play with them or when they are away. Idle pets can become very restless and this in turn may lead them to become naughty pets.
Use chamomile tea to control damping-off fungus, which often attacks young seedlings quite suddenly. Just add a spot of tea to the soil around the base of seedlings once a week or use it as a foliar spray.
DANGERS of HOUSEHOLD CLEANERS:- We all want to keep our kids as safe as possible because they are so precious to us. A major way to provide for your children's home safety is to have an environment for children that is as toxic free as possible .
One Thing At A Time:- While you may have no choice but to multi-task a bit when preparing an entire meal, try not to get too many complicated things going on at the same time. This is a sure fire way to get food stuck to the pan or dry it out. Paying too much attention to one dish while ignoring another is a definite recipe for disaster. Plan ahead and consider which items will take the longest to cook and which items need the most attention while cooking. This will help you determine what order to prepare each dish so that each gets the time it requires.
Plug your home's leaks Weather-strip, seal, and caulk leaky doors and windows and install foam gaskets behind outlet covers. (Save: up to 2 percent power)
Store the preserved food in a dry, cool place without direct sunlight
Adding a pinch of turmeric when cooking dal can hasten the cooking process.
Wrapping bananas in a newspaper and then refrigerating them can keep them fresh for longer
Oil it upCoconut is the best oil for hair massage. Hair massage should be done twice a week; never massage your hair with hot oil as it is not healthy for the scalp. Leave your hair oiled for at least 4 hours and not more than 24 hours; otherwise dust will accumulate on the scalp leading to dandruff and dry hair thus hair fall.
Soft hair Keep it simple and natural: Avoid blow drying, colouring, ironing as far as possible.
Burn Off Your Muffin Top Do regular short burst interval cardio workouts. Sprint intervals and bodyweight exercise cardio are top fat burners. Twenty minute cardio sessions (2-3 times a week) will get the job done.
Lose Waist FatEat smaller portion sizes as a means of reducing overall calories. Spread your Fatcalories out into five or six smaller meals during the day, to avoid binge eating.
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