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To soften the taste of any extra sharp vegetable eg. fenugreek leaves, radish leaves, etc., Chop them, sprinkle some salt all over and keep aside for 10 minutes. Press out all the water and wash well 2-3 times in a colander.
Use the silver foil wrappings of used medicines to scrub greasy utensils like tawas, pans, etc. Embed them at the base of plastic scrubbers for easy use and grip.
Use clean skins of boiled potatoes to place as a soothing pack over eyes to refresh and reduce their puffiness.
Never reshape dough once it has been shaped and rested after punching. The risen dough must Not be disturbed or texture of the baked product may not turn out as it should.
Any extra water in which vegetables have been boiled can be saved and used as stock for soups. Stock prepared in large quantities can be frozen in icecube trays and stored in a plastic bag as cubes. Use as required.
I have a quick way to polish ur furniture without buying costly furniture polish from stores. Just take a tbl sp of vegetable oil in a bowl & add 1 tbl sp of lime juice to it mix them well & with a soft cloth apply it on your furniture & immediately wipe off with a dry soft cloth. your furniture will shine like new.
Soyabean granules are a highly nutritional product, which may be used to thick gravies, soups, Etc. with ease. Soak a little in water beforehand. Crush to make smooth texture. Add as required.
Soak jewellery (eg. silver, copper, gold) in the water drained from curdled milk for 15 mins. wash them with soap afterwards. Get back the sparkle in them to look new.
Peel onions easily by dropping them into boiling water and covering. 3 minutes for small varieties, and 5 minutes for the large varieties. Cut a small cross in the root base for larger ones, to prevent from bursting in the water.
To peel tomatoes easily, keep covered in boiling hot water for 5 minutes. Remove, make a careful X at its bottom, peel off skin. Cool and chop as required.
Never make a paste of raw onions if you want to keep it for any amount of time. It will turn Bitter. Always fry them in a little oil, and then grind.
If an onion is too sharp in taste, wash, drain and toss into some beaten curd. Add a dash of salt and pepper, it becomes a tasty raitha.
Head Massage
Warm hair oil, before massaging into the hair. This way it will soak better at the roots and is more effective. Alternate hot and cold water soaked towels to turban the head 2-3 times before washing oiled hair.
Wipe cane furniture with a cloth soaked in extra warm water, to which salt has been added, to keep the firmness of the cane meshing intact. About 2 tbsp. to a bucket is ideal.
Whenever we buy vermicelli or sooji, before storing if we fry them until it turns light brown colour, it can last longer. And whenever we want to cook them, it will be instantly ready to cook and less time cosuming.
Any leftover batter from dipped bhajias, need not be thrown Away. Hold a perforated (round even holes) large flat spoon, Over hot oil, pour batter through. The pearl shaped fries, can be Fried till crisp, but not browned, drained, and stored to use a boondi in boondi raitha. (refer recipe for raitha).
Serve tiny helpings of salads on small cracker biscuits (like monaco) or canape thins Topped with some grated cheese, or paneer. They make excellent cocktail pickups. Take care to serve immediately.
Line the bottom of the charcoal bowl with a foil, shining side down, to heat coals better and ease in emptying out the bowl.
Bath Soap Pieces
Collect tiny leftover pieces of bath soap. When sufficient quantity is collected, boil in a little water. Stir often, allowing all the bits to melt and form a thick solution. Cool, bottle and use as cleaning liquid.
Add a handful of well soaked dal to any salad to throw in that extra requirement of protien in your diet.
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