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To break open the coconuts easily (the brown ones..), place them in the refrigerator for 30-60 minutes. This would seperate the shell easily.
Rub chopping board with a slice of lemon vigorously, after cutting onions, garlic, etc. This will ensure that all odours of such vegetables is rid, then wash thoroughly with washing soap.
Always warm dry spices like cuminseeds, cardamom, cloves, etc. on a griddle before powdering. The grinding will be done faster and powder will be finer.
While tasting hot decoction, keep very sweet, since after cooling the sweetness reduces, as also The added icecubes will dilute the sweetness.
Warm garlic flakes a little either in a microwave or on griddle before peeling, to make the skin come off easily.
When garden saplings of palak, chilli, are attacked by sparrows cover with an old door or window mesh or spike up a tent of an old nylon mosquito net.
Always powder citric acid crystals before adding to any preserve or murabba, etc. It will blend into the recipe much better and faster.
Use any of the above leftover sabzis can be used to make masala parathas. Add the sabzi to Some wheat flour, add any other veggies if desired, like grated gourd, or greens, or carrot, Or just dry masalas like chilli powder, salt, dhania powder, turmeric. Add some oil too. Knead To a soft dough, and make parathas or puris as desired.
One tsp. of plain flour mixed in 1/4 cup water boiled in a stock (2 cups) will lend body and enhance consistency of the soup.
When chilling puddings in the refrigerator, cover the containers with cling film or plastic sheet to protect from water and crystal formation in the dish.
Do not throw away unused chillies in vinegar while making a chinese course. Blend, bottle and use to spice up soups, rices, etc.
1. To make soft idlis and dosas add a handfull of Puffed rice or Poha 2. To prevent insects like silver fish from creeping into your cupboards and damaging your clothes and books tie few Kalonji seeds in a muslin cloth and keep in the corner of the shelf.
When storing cheese in the fridge remove from tin, wrap in cellophane or foil and place in covered container to prevent it from hardening.
Crush chikki coarsely and use as nougat over cakes and icecreams. Use nuts of your choice.
To avoid stains and smudges on costly cookbooks while following recipes, slip them, open page up, into a transparent plastic bag.
If not using tea leaves for a long time, pour into clean ziplock bag, remove excess air, seal tight And place in an airtight container, to lock it freshness in. Especially so when you are going to Lock up home for a while.
If you happen to put excess salt in the curry, cut a raw potato into about 10 pieces and drop them into the curry & leave for 15 min. They will absorb the excess salt. Remove the pieces before serving.
Rinse glassware in a solution of 1 part vinegar and 3 parts water after washing with soap. This will make the glassware gleam and clean.
To avoid stains and smudges on costly cookbooks while following recipes, slip them, open page up, into a transparent plastic bag.
Lemon and orange peels, dried and powdered and mixed with gram flour can be used as an excellent exfoliant. When required add 1 tsp. curds to 1 tbsp. flour mixture. Rub face gently with mixture for 5 minutes, wash with ordinary tap water for a clean, clean, feel. This can also be used as a bath scrub for body, daily.
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