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With love comes doubt, I doubt you'll survive without. Unknown


Shattered dreams like broken glass never focus on what is past. Unknown


Look ahead not behind all scars will heal and you'll be fine. Unknown


Sometimes you just have to relax and trust everything will be alright.Unknown


Imagine being with what you love, doing what you love, and having the things you love.Unknown


Everytime my imagination runs short I flip over to the next damn page. Dream


I can't imagine not having an imagination nor can I fathom not being happy to be alive. Unknown


Tomorrow isn't promised, but today wasn't either! TTM


There is some inexplicable magnetic force that draws you to another person.Shivangi


Loving , isn't easy. It takes endless nights, infinite care and never ending love, for proving itself . shivangi lavaniya


The older you get the more serious you get, seriously wrong or seriously right.J Cubby


Words used as hammer seeking a nail are exactly like a dog chasing its tail. Amit


The Bible says that a man leaves his parents and joins with his wife, therefore a woman should not be required to get on with her in-laws.Joseph Cubby


To get what you haven't got, spontaneity is everything.Life


Sometimes You miss opportunities cos Your Heart, mind and Mouth are out of sync in that crucial moment.Mallik


If you don't build your own dream, someone else will hire you to help build theirs. Gayathrianand


Did the sun just come out or did you just smile at me.Mallik


Life is a dance with mystery, keep surprising ourselves!Life


Love inspires change all change requires time, by patiently inserting two sense at a time. Rooth


Unique are we, unique is key to being me.TTM

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