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Every day, you get the opportunity to change your life. Change what you do not want. Change what makes you unhappy. Rodolfo Costa


H is for Habit, winners make a habit of doing the things losers don't want to do.Lucas Remmerswaal


I am not the moon orbiting around your planet; I am the sun that will burn through your frozen mind.Shannon L. Alder


Don't build roadblocks out of assumptions. Lorii Myers


Keep a little fire burning; however small, however hidden.Cormac McCarthy


Life is a mystery to be lived not a problem to be solved.Clive Ollies


To turn your dreams into reality, all your resources, efforts and concentration should be aligned in the same direction.Roopleen


Life is short only if you are not living your purpose. T.F. Hodge


Somewhere between love and hate lies confusion, misunderstanding and desperate hope. Shannon L. Alder


The true definition of mental illness is when the majority of your time is spent in the past or future, but rarely living in the realism of NOW.Shannon L. Alder


Opportunity may knock only once but temptation leans on the door bell. Oprah Winfrey


Always try and be a better person than you were yesterday, cause we aren't guaranteed tomorrow.Tina A. Morgan


The pleasantness of an employment does not always evince its propriety.Jane Austen


Your attitude determines how you experience the world. Sanaya Roman


When a man plays with your heart it is for one of two reasons: He knows he can or he is undecided. Shannon L. Alder


If you don't think every day is a good day, just try missing one.Cavett Robert


Only in the world of mathematics do two negatives multiply into a positive.Abby Morel


Write this down: My life is full of unlimited possibilities.Pablo


Age wrinkles the body; quitting wrinkles the soul.Douglas MacArthur


No guts, no story. Chris Brady

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