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To break the Temperature in babiesGive your infant extra fluids. Preventing dehydration is an important part of fighting a fever. Infants under six months of age should only receive breast milk or formula, but you may consider supplementing this with small amounts of water, natural fruit juice, or gelatin and popsicles made with natural fruit juice to babies over six months.


To break the Temperature in babies
Decrease your baby's level of activity. It is a good sign if your child is still interested in playing, but too much physical activity will only cause the body's internal temperature to continue climbing. Keep your baby indoors and relatively sedate.


To break the Temperature in babies
Change your baby's clothing. Make sure your baby is dressed in lightweight fabrics, and keep layers to a minimum. Extra layers will likely trap the excess body heat produced by your baby's fever, causing your baby to stay too warm and encouraging the fever to continue rising. If your baby starts to shiver, however, you may need to add an extra layer to prevent him or her from catching a chill.


Bathe or sponge your child with lukewarm water. Never use cold water, ice baths, or rubbing alcohol. A fever must be brought down gradually, and these methods will reduce body temperature too rapidly and may cause additional health problems. Moreover, rubbing alcohol comes with the additional risk of alcohol poisoning, which may occur if the alcohol is absorbed through the skin.


August is the eighth month, renamed by the Romans from Sextilis', meaning sixth, Following in the footsteps of Julius, Emperor Augustus Caesar renamed this month in honor of himself, since many of the fortunate events in his life happened during this month. It began with 30 days, Numa changed it to 29, and Julius changed it yet again to 31.


Most fish have little salt in them. Sharks, however, have meat as salty as the ocean they live in.


Saltwater fish need to drink more water than freshwater fish. Since seawater is saltier than the liquids in a fish's body, water inside the fish is constantly flowing out. If they didn't drink to replace the lost water, saltwater fish would dry up like prunes


Most fish cannot swim backwards. Those that can are mainly members of one of the eel families.


A fish does not add new scales as it grows, but the scales it has increase in size. In this way, growth rings are formed and the rings reveal the age of a fish.


Most fish have taste buds all over their body.


Sharks are the only fish that have eyelids.


Seahorses are the only fish that swim upright.


Most brands of lipstick contain fish scales.


Many languages in Africa include a 'click' sound that is pronounced at the same time as other sounds. You must learn these languages in childhood to do it properly.


More than 1,000 different languages are spoken on the continent of Africa


Somalia is the only African country in which the entire population speaks the same language, Somali.


The most difficult language to learn is Basque, which is spoken in northwestern Spain and southwestern France. It is not related to any other language in the world. It has an extremely complicated word structure and vocabulary.


Dogs can't distinguish between red and green.


All babies are colour blind at birth.


Although our nose and ears keep growing throughout our lives, our eyes remain the same size from birth.

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