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Email issues:
    Note: Eknazar only sends the transactional emails like classified response, yellow pages response, payments etc. Eknazar Weekly email subscribers get weekly email only once a week. You can always unsubscribe or resubscribe to weekly emails.

  • Gmail Issues

    Not getting email from eknazar to gmail or it is going to spam folder. Create a filter in gmail for eknazar to get eknazar messages.

    Step 1: Goto Gmail and click on the down arrow in the search box.

    Step 2: In Has the words: enter eknazar and then click on Create Filter button.

    Step 3: Check the box Never send it to Spam and then click on Create Filter button.

  • Yahoo mail Issues

    Not getting email from eknazar to yahoo mail or it is going to spam folder. Create an incoming mail rule in yahoo mail for eknazar to get eknazar messages.

    Step 1: Goto Yahoo mail and select settings(gear icon)

    Step 2: Choose More Settings.

    Step 3: On Settings Page, Select the filters tab.

    Step 4: In Yours Filter Section, Select Add new filter.

    Step 5: Enter filter name eknazar.
    In set rules select from.
    Select Criteria select Contains.
    Enter the filter value eknazar.
    In Choose a folder to move to select inbox
    Click on Save button

    Courtsey: https://www.lifewire.com/set-up-filter-yahoo-mail-1167129

  • Hotmail/outlook.live.com Issues

    Not getting email from eknazar to hotmail or it is going to spam folder. Create an incoming filter rule in hotmail for eknazar to get eknazar messages.

    Step 1: Goto hotmail and select settings(gear icon) on the upper right hand corner and choose View All Outlook Settings at the bottom of the Settings pane.

    Step 2: Select Mail in the left pane and then choose Rules.
    Select Add New Rule

    Step 3: Enter name your rule eknazar.
    In condition select Sender Address Includes.
    in the box enter eknazar.
    In Add an action, selectmove to and then chooseinbox
    Click on Save button

    Courtsey: https://www.lifewire.com/set-up-incoming-mail-filter-hotmail-1174276
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